first day of work (6)

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My alarm clock starts beeping. I can't find the button to turn it off. I just knock it off the night stand. I go back to sleeping.

After a couple of minutes someone shakes my shoulder lightly. This makes me sit up right and throw off my blanket. It's mom. I'm surprised at this because the last time she ever woke me up was the morning of my graduation from high school.

She smiles at me and says "Honey. It's your first official day of work. You don't want to make a bad impression by being late. Do you?"

I sigh "No. I'll be along. Just give me a couple of minutes to get ready."

"Alright but hurry up, you don't want your breakfast to get cold." she tells me, leaving my room.

I sit there for a few seconds until I realize what mom had just said. I yell after her "You made breakfast!?" I'm surprised because again it's been a long while since she cooked.

I brush my teeth and get into the shower. I keep talking to myself. Going over all the things that i've decided to do.

I will do everything asked to. All the work will be done in the shortest time possible. In this way i'll be able to do more work and maybe get some extra money. You're doing this for mom. Everything you do from now on will effect your mother the most.

I put on my uniform. It is a black button down shirt with a black skirt. I put on black leggings as well to keep me warm. After putting on my black flat pumps and putting my hair in a sleek ponytail I go to the kitchen.

There is a plate of omlete and hash potato waiting for me on the counter. I take my seat on a stool. Mom joins me. After a few bites, a thought hits me.

"Mom. How did you get the money for  breakfast? I had all the money that I got yesterday." I ask.

She was about to take a sip from her tea mug. So, she lowers it and relpies "I had just enough money. I had been saving it for the worst times. But now that you have such a good job. We don't have to worry about money any more."

I feel the tears threatning to start sliding out. So, I simply nod in reply. I bow my head over my food and finish eating in silence. Once the dishes have been cleared, I go get my coat and leave the house after waving goodbye to mum.

I get on the bus and greet the driver "Morning John!"

"Morning Cassandra." He replies, tipping his hat towards me in respect.

I smile at this and take my usual seat right behind him. I glance out the window as the buildings go by. The bus passes so many cars. In some there are girls my age with their boyfriends going out on a date or something. In other cars there are little kids with their parents, probably on their way to school.

Both the scenes make me feel empty inside. I have been so busy trying to provide for my mother and myself that I had completely forgotten about my social life and my father.

I close my eyes and think of all those times when my dad used to drop and pick me from school. Once every week he would stop at Mcdonald's and get me something to eat. The memories make me feel sad and happy at the same time.

I open my eyes when I feel the bus come to a halt. I step out of the bus after waving John goodbye. Slowly I make my way towards the palace. I show my identity card to the guard at the gate. I go to the back door. This time I don't wait to be let in. I push the door open and go into the kitchen.

I go straight to the steps and make my way up. Helen meets me at the top.

She motions me to follow her after saying "Watch where you go this time."

I go red and follow her to what she calls a dinning room. It's so big that half my house would be able to fit in here. I look around with my mouth open. Helen opens one of the many glass cabinets lining the walls.

"Come here." she orders me.

I go to her. She starts explaining. "Your first task of the day is to set the table for lunch. It'll take you a good two hours. You have to clean everything before putting it on the table. Is that clear?"

"Yes." I reply nodding my head.

"Good! Then get to work!" she says.

Alright! This so far has been the longest chapter.

I can't seem to figure out who's reading my story. So, please leave a comment telling me if you do.

Oh! Also, I'm going to start dedicating chapters from now on. The people who comment the most will get a dedication.

read, vote & comment!

P.S. if there are any spelling or grammar errors, please don't mind them! ;)


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