General Kai

17 1 0

Rose P.O.V~

When we got to the meeting room everyone was talking in small groups and some were standing alone.

I looked down at Louise, she was looking around with wide eyes still holding my hand. We stood in the middle of the black and tan sea, all of us looked like we were copied and pasted off each other. I guess we're already starting to look like an army, if that's really why we're here.

Our mass of people parted when the man from before stalked into the middle of us, a circle forming around him. Even from over the crowd of people his sandy blonde hair was easily visible from his towering height.

He started turning in a circle looking at those of us on the edge nearest to him, Louise and I included.

Peoples gaze flinched away from his as he glanced at us. His power was radiating off him in waves, any normal person could feel that.

I was anxious, my hand opposite of the one holding Louise clenched and unclenched. I took deep breaths to calm the rapid beating of my heart.

His body faced towards mine and our eyes met, the once buzzing pain in my chest surged and my hand came up to grasp my chest as I sucked in air. His face was clear now, his nose was crooked as if it's been broken many times before. And his eyes were light brown.

It surprised me that I found him attractive, but somehow he seemed familiar. Did I know him before my memories were erased?

Just the thought made me internally shake my head, there's absolutely no way I could know him.

He looked at me for a few seconds more before he turned, addressing all of the kids surrounding him.

"All of you will be assigned a squad leader, you will be reporting to your advisor for as long as your in the age perimeter." His voice boomed throughout the room, loud enough for everyone, and farthest away to hear. He had a way of keeping everyone's attention on him.

"Ages 11 through 13 you will be reporting to Major Nadia," he pointed to one corner of the room where a bulky woman with her hair in a tight bun stood, her hands clasped behind her back. She wore the same as us but instead she had a washed-out green military jacket with a patch that bore her name on the breast.

His hand moved to the next advisor, it was a tall, pale man with short black hair. He had no emotion showing on his face and he looked like a lifeless statue. It wasn't until he nodded at the center man that I knew he wasn't dead.

"Ages 14 through 16 reports to Colonel Sebastian, and ages 17 through 19 report back to me, General Kai. You are dismissed!"

My heart dropped at the fact that I would be with this guy for who knows how long, but what made my heart drop even further was that Louise would be separated from me.

We had just met but we had already bonded and I had promised to stay with her while we were here. And it was already going to be broken.

I squatted slightly to look her in the eyes, she held on strong to my arm, surely feeling the same as I.

"I don't want to go! Rose, you said you would stay with me!" Tears were forming in her eyes as she started to panic.

"Hey, shhh... it's okay it's just for a little while, I will see you later okay? You need to go with the Major alright?" My hand smoothed out her hair to calm her. But on the inside, I was a shaking mess.

My stomach was doing flips in fear, and I was panicking even more than she was. I was not scared they were going to do something to her, I was scared of being alone. And somehow, her presence gave me comfort.

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