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It was 6 weeks into training and I could already feel and see the changes in my physique. What used to be loose skin had tightened. And my stomach chubbiness was slowly melting into nothing.

I have a lot more energy than I used to and my body was used to the routine of getting up, showering, eating, training mentally and physically, then eating again to end the day.

I can say I'm liking the new changes with my body and am excited to see how strong I will be when this is all over.

I walked over to Louise's bed and pulled her blanket back. "Louise time to go, we need to go shower."

She swatted her tiny hand at me, "No just 5 more minutes." She took the covers from me and rolled over, making me chuckle.

"Alright then I'll just have to tell Irene not to save you any extra bacon, you know she only gives it to us because we get there early." I stood and started walking for the door.

Within a second she was up and dressed pulling me out the door. "Come on let's go you're so slow!"

I laughed and shook my head, this girl...

Changes within the past couple weeks haven't been too drastic. Everyone knew who were their friends, and who weren't.

And it wasn't just me who had been getting stronger, all of the girls and boys here were gaining strength. I could even see it in Louise. Her body wasn't as tiny as when we first got here and she was getting taller.

I was so proud of her. She was growing so fast. In more ways than one.

After our showers and breakfast we went to our respected groups, everyone filtering in behind us.

"Hey dog, why are you here? Did someone leave your cage open?."

I rolled my eyes at Nathan, whom had actually had the privilege of becoming my friend. Even after the first day when the General went off on him. He still won't tell me what it was about.

I shoved his arm. "Oh please, I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works."

He laughed and stood beside me as General Kai addressed our group. "Today we will be continuing our physical training. And all of you are expected to run 3 extra laps for today's challenge. Dismissed!"

People groaned and complained but none the less followed orders no questions asked.

Nathan looked at me and I told him I'd catch up, that I needed to do something. When he shrugged and walked away I walked up to the General who was talking to some other kids I didn't know the names of.

I wanted to ask the General what the date was. I knew it had been a couple weeks since we got here, and my time balance was way off.

I cleared my throat. "Excuse me general. May I have a second to speak with you." 

He turned and looked me up and down, and unreadable expression passing his features. He dismissed the people he was talking to before and faced me.

"What can I do for you?"


General Kai's POV

When I heard her voice behind me I knew she was the one everyone was having fits over. Her smell even gave it away first.

I looked her up and down and felt something in me shift. I even felt the downstairs come alive, something no woman has ever caused before.

This immediately catches my attention.

I inhale her scent deeply, the beast inside me calmed but was also restless. The woman being the cause. The beast and I shared a lingering thought.

This woman was ours, and no one else's.

I had noticed her before with our few interactions but nothing like this, I assumed it was because of the crowded rooms.

"What can I do for you?" I said, standing tall with my arms behind my back. For some reason the beast wanted to show this woman we were the only male she could depend on.

I inwardly shook myself. What was I thinking? This woman was the key and now I'm suddenly panting after her like some love sick puppy?

This will most definitely not happen. I will not allow it.

She looked up at me with large glassy eyes, "Hello, I'm not sure if you knew but my name's Rose. I was just wondering if you could tell me the date?"

I became confused, why would she need the date? She has no use for that information. However before I even finished the thought, my resolve crumbled into dust. "November 26th."

By the expression on her face I could tell she was surprised. Most likely she had thought she hadn't been here for the better part of 2 months.

"Is there a problem?" She looked up at me startled, and then shook her head. The long cascade of brown hair shook in her pony tail.

She smiled sadly, "No General, I just hadn't realized I had turned 19 already... Kinda weird how time goes by so fast." My eyes narrowed in thought as she gave me a nod and returned to training.

I felt something along the lines of pity for the woman, but knew there was nothing to be done about it.

After our conversation and my realization I watched her complete her training. I was mesmerized by her body, it was obvious she was gaining strength faster than the others.

Once everyone completed their extra laps and muscle building they made their way to the cafe for lunch.

I couldn't stop myself when I stopped the woman from leaving. I stood tall and proud in front of the door to the gym. All of my impressive muscles on display through my sleeveless shirt.

I crossed my arms and looked down at her.

"Did I do something wrong General?"

The innocent way she said the simple question only made it all the more sensual. I felt my manhood stiffen.

"No, I wanted to give you tips for training. I noticed you were behind today and your movements and form were off," I nodded down to her injured hands. "You need to know the correct form to hit the bag if you are going to knock anyone out. Otherwise you are just giving them a light feathery kiss with your fist."

She looked down at her hands and frowned. "Oh. I guess that would be helpful to know how to do that." Her gaze came back to my face.

I noticed her eyes unabashedly staring at my scar. The action was bothersome when others did it but for some reason when she did it was the opposite.

I wanted her to look, I wanted her to stare, I wanted her to touch.

Her hand raised as if she was going to, my eyes closed and I held my breath. Waiting for her.

I opened my eyes when it never came. Her hand was back at her side and she was smiling at me.

I cleared my throat and stepped back into the gym, heading towards the punching bag.

I stood in the correct stance and pointed out the areas she needed to improve. To which she copied and nodded. By the end of our session we were both panting and sweating like hard working people should. We ended up spending an extra 2 hours training.

She unwrapped her hands and drank water from a plastic cup.

My eyes trailed to the sweat rolling down her neck into between her breasts. My member hardened once more.

Lord this was going to be difficult.

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