Am I A Monster?

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Louise and I finished getting dressed when a question crossed my mind, "Hey, Louise?"

She looked at me over her shoulder, "Yeah?"

"How old are you?" I studied her as her face became thoughtful and couldn't help but think she was adorable.

"Uhh, well, I was 11 when we first got here... 15! I'm 15!" My brows furrowed, had it been four years already, that would mean that..."How old are you, Rose?" Louise came up to me and looked at me with wonder.

"I-I think I'm 22? Or 23? I'm not sure." Her forest eyes went wide, "Wow! You're so old!" I smiled and prepared my hands to attack. "Is that so?"

She feigned scared and gasped. Giggles filled the room as I chased her around, trying to tickle her; once I captured my target, I gave no mercy. Louise gasped and giggled uncontrollably as I was unrelenting.

"Stop! Stop! I'm 15! You can't tickle me anymore!" I looked up at her and stopped moving my hands. I hadn't thought of it like that in a while. She was all grown up. We had spent four years of our lives here—no sun for four years.

I suddenly grew sad and drew back, staring at the ground. "Louise, do you remember anything from before you got here?" I glanced at her sideways, and she had a thoughtful look.

"I'm not sure; sometimes I feel like something I see is familiar, then it goes away. It never lasts long, but it does happen." She was silent. "Some part of me wants to believe that I do have a family out there. But I also hope I don't."

I turned towards her and grabbed her small hand. "Why do you say that?"

She smiled and looked down at our hands, absentmindedly playing with my fingers. "Because if I really do have a family out there somewhere, they must miss me so much. I don't want to cause anyone pain. And besides, you're my family now." Her green eyes shifted to mine; I saw something in them that made my heart burn.

My smile unveiled itself after a short moment. "Alright, let's go. I'm sure the lesson has changed again."

Louise counted on her fingers, "Physical training, battle strategy, hunting and survival skills, and then weapon training. What could they possibly train us next in?"


As we made our way to the assembly hall, I noticed that the air had taken on a defensive taste. People flittered around, making beelines to wherever they needed to go. It made my stomach twist uncomfortably. Something wasn't right.

"Privates!" The booming voice echoed throughout the cement space, and the chatter stopped immediately. All of us looked up to where the General stood. Much like the first day, we stood there like sheep in a field.

"As I'm sure all of you know, the beginning of a new year means the study of a new field." Those light brown eyes moved over the large crowd, examining all of our reactions as he carried on. "That is correct, but for celebration, of the end of your training, you will all engage in battle. Against each other, to display your skills. Follow major Nadia so we can begin. Dismissed!"

Some began to depart, but others did not move. I stood still with the rest of them, staring straight into the eyes of the General. His eyes found mine, and I was surprised to see a wave of emotions cross his features. Something is definitely not right.

I shifted and grabbed Louise's hand, pulling her into the departing crowd. "What do you think is going to happen to us?" I glanced at her for a short moment before turning away.

"I don't know Louise; I don't know."

Her eyes landed on her feet before she tightened her grip on my hand. "Well, whatever happens, I want to tell you I love you, Rose."

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