Always On Our Minds

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Kai's POV~

I left the room as swiftly as possible without being suspicious. All the while trying to hide the growth in my shorts. I hadn't been that intimate with a woman in a long time, especially not with a woman like Rose.

She had transformed her body in her time here, the vigorous training sessions were doing her good. I had been attracted to her before everything, but now, she was breathtaking. As I made my way to my quarters to shower, my thoughts burned the image of her body into my mind. The way her tight muscles moved when she did, and how her innocent but curious expression made my core tighten.

My wolf didn't like the way she had tried to dominate us. Though, I know he was just as aroused as I was. I sighed and shook my head, stepping into my room, I began to strip as I made my way to the shower.

The water ran cold down my heated skin in a desperate attempt to calm my rising stimulation. Still, my thoughts remained on Rose, what it would feel like to touch her, run my hands over her sensitive skin. All of the sweet sounds she would release from her soft lips.

I remembered the feeling of her center snuggly nestled against me. She knew what she was doing to me. She had been just as excited as I, and the thought of that made me shake in anticipation. My hand began to drift to my unbearably hard member, my head fell back as my hand began to move.

I envisioned that it was her hand and not mine, her doe eyes looking up at me... I let out one last groan in pleasure, the thought of my little flower never leaving my thoughts.

After finishing my shower, I stepped out and looked at myself in the foggy mirror. "I can't believe you just did that."

Orion's POV~

I sat at my desk, focusing all my energy into the piles of paperwork that never seemed to end, which part of me was thankful for. That's all I did these days, paperwork, killing, paperwork, more killing. Anything to keep my mind from her.

My younger sister Valerie quietly stepped into my office. My eyes trailed to her, and my expression softened as she handed me a mug, "For you."

I set down what I was working on and took the cup from her, sipping its hot contents, "Thanks, Val. What are you up to?"

She held her hands behind her back and looked at her feet shyly. "N-nothing, I was just checking on you, you've been in here for a while."

My heart clenched. "Oh, Val, I'm okay, I pr-." I jumped to my feet, and in an instant, I was holdings my sister's tiny body against me. She opened her mouth to speak, but then Levi crashed through my door. The door sweeping into the spot she had been moments before.

My face turned angry as I began to chastise my beta, "How many times-."

"Alpha, there is an unregistered pack that just entered the border."

The beast inside me stirred, time to kill.


My large paws pounded through the forest, and I lifted my snout into the air. Levi's voice infiltrated my head, "Definitely rouges, but not normal ones."

As soon as they came into sight, memories that didn't belong to me filled my head. I understood now. About 4 other pack members and I stalked upon the group. Levi mind linked me again, "Alpha?"

I started to shift back, unblinking. I took steps up to the group and cleared my throat, unashamed I was not wearing any clothes.

"I meant to pay you a visit, so nice of you to come to me instead, Eastern pack." I felt my other pack members shift behind me uncomfortably. Startled, the group all jumped to their feet as I approached.

A tall, slender male with ashy skin stepped forward, his cloak wafting behind him. "Greetings, you must be the alpha of this pack." His eyes squinted into yellow slits as he smiled at me.

My head fell to the side as I clasped my hands behind my back. "You mean, you don't know who I am?" I questioned, I felt a soft smile on my face.

The man's wicked smile faltered for a fraction of a second. "Should I?"

My own smile grew wider, "Dear Alban, I suppose you should know whose territory you are planning to attack before you show up on its borders. Finally, his smile fell, and he took a defensive position.

The rest of my pack members shifted again, it's not their fault they didn't know.

"H-how do you know me, I've never met you." He fumbled over his words as fear crawled up his person like an animal claiming it's next meal.

I slowly walked over to a stump and rested my elbows on my legs. "Oh, but we have! Although it wasn't exactly me at the time, however, I do know you. I see that you're still the same ignorant little lycan. Though you have put on some years." I shook my head and gave a cold laugh.

Alban paled to a shade that was nowhere close to that of the average persons, wolf or human. He tensed to attack, and I quickly stood, causing the group and the rest of my wolves to rage out in a bloody fight. None of them bothered to change back, probably preferring to tear skin with claws instead of their own human hands.

I didn't notice Alban had made a run for it until after I finished off a couple of the other members. Their blood covered me from head to toe, and I relished in it. Some had found its way into my mouth, and the beast growled with delight.

I used my fury as a weapon as I ripped and tore through flesh with my bare hands. It felt good to kill, to take life, to feel the hot blood run down my body. It calmed the yearning and hole in my existence, somewhere she should be.

After the rest of the group had been taken care of, I followed the slimy little shits scent into the trees. I could practically see his fear coating the surrounding wood. It was sickening.

"Alban... I can smell you!" I sang.

Suddenly the bushes parted, and his frail body jumped on my back, and he held a knife to my throat. I stood still, with a smile on my face. "Don't move or call your pack, or I'll cut." His hot breath fanned over my face making my mouth twitch in disgust.

"Tell me, what is it you want?" Silence filled the air.

"I heard the Big Bad Alpha found his mate," he chuckled. "Too bad it didn't last long."

I snapped, and he moved his knife along my neck in a quick motion. He jumped back with a victorious smile, expecting my life source to flow from the deep cut. Instead, I turned back around to face him.

He fell to the ground in shock and fear. "B-but how! There's not even a scratch!" His high pitched scream burned in my sensitive ears. "Why aren't you dead? You were supposed to die!"

His thoughts were filled with fear and confusion. I pushed force into his head with my own, his face contorted in pain. His voice small and weak; he spoke one last time, "Why are you unharmed? T-tell me?" I forced pressure into his brain at full capacity, and tears of blood traveled down his face.

"Oh, Alban, it's because I'm already dead."

With one last look of horror and pain, he fell limp, his mind broken, his brain nothing but a liquefied mush inside his skull.

I felt Levi's presence behind me, no doubt that he saw what had just transpired. I stood there with no expression on my face, no trace of emotion that gave away what was happening inside. I was falling apart, piece by piece.

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