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Rose P.O.V~

His eyes were grey, rather beautiful. Dark hair sported from the top of his head. He was so damn perfect. His smells were even attractive, pine, rain it filled my senses, he was everything to me.

And I knew he was mine forever. Yet his face would not form in my head, it made my chest ache. I just needed to reach him, but he was so far...

I felt cold, but I was moving? Faster and faster, anticipation began to build heavily. My breathing was choked; the constant intake of air heated my lungs.

Then everything stopped.

My eyes opened to dim light, soft murmurs were echoing off the rather large room. My back was against a hard wall, my legs were stiffly pulled into my chest tightly. And a damp hand was clutching at my chest, where a sharp stabbing pain was, it was almost phantom. I could also feel bruises on various parts of my body but there was no discoloration.

I was wearing a long black sleeved shirt and black pants and oddly, no shoes. My hair was a tangled mess like I haven't showered in weeks.

I looked up to the room in front of me, at least a hundred kids around my age were all sitting on the ground, what I now knew was a large cement cave. It looked like something you would keep a wild animal in. A very, very large wild animal.

Panicked whispers from my right pulled my attention to two younger kids who were oblivious to the bystander. "Where are we? What's going on?" said a small girl with ruffled blonde hair; she could only be about 12 years old.

The boy who seemed a bit older gently took both her hands in his, "Cal, calm down, they said they would explain everything when everyone got here. Just deep breaths okay? Can you do that for me, Cal?"

"I'm scared, Henry. What's going to happen to us?" She hid her small face into his chest in a heart-touching embrace, my head tilted and a confused smile slowly fell on my face.

He leaned down to her, his red hair falling over his forehead and softly onto her shaking shoulders.

I looked away. My eyebrows furrowed and I frowned. Why are we all here? I thought about before I got here but I couldn't remember anything, not even the dream I had mere minutes ago.

Why would this many kids be here, surely it's not some giant slave trade? Because let me tell you, I don't think I'm ready to clean some dirty old man's house in a foreign country for the rest of my life. Or worse than that.

From around the room, other sniffles and confused murmurs began to grow. When an alarm sounded through the enormous space everyone immediately went silent. To be honest, with all of us huddled together we looked like a bunch of refugees waiting to be freed.

The loud alarm sound came from the left of me, further into the room there were flashing red lights and a heavy metal door groaned, revealing another cement hallway. The only thing I could see from my sitting position was kids standing to their feet shuffling hurriedly out of the way.

I stood like the other kids around me, some grabbing onto each other for comfort. But I had no one and I had no idea what was going on. All alone in a dark room with a bunch of people my age and I had no one.

My arms wrapped around my body as I tried to look over everyone to see what had come through the door. I was shaking and scared. We all looked like helpless rabbits caged in a pen and someone was letting a wolf in.

The crowd started filtering into the tunnel, everyone pushing and shoving some tripping and falling. A small girl with dark auburn ringlets fell a ways in front of me, people stomped on her once white dress, and she curled into a small ball making others stumble over her.

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