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He ran as fast as he could, his lungs burning at the air is being sucked out of his lungs. The finish line was almost there. Closer, and closer and closer!

But he lost.

Some other blue haired male won, the biggest smile on his face as he did. This was annoying as hell!

Taehyung groaned and hated how he wa always second place. This random kid always beat him.

Taehyung growled but quickly stopped as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked to his side and traced his eyes higher to meet eyes with Namjoon. He sighed and looked back at the kid. He was given a cookie and some water.

"I fucking hate his kind." Taehyung growled. Namjoon nodded, quickly agreeing with him.

The two boys looked up at the large board and looked at the results.

Sammy Parker

Taehyung Kim

Isen Cates

Taehyung smiled. He made it higher than last time. Isen looked disheartened but when he looked to Taehyung the said boy frowned.

Taehyung flipped him off and gave a big smile that only screamed, told you so.

You see, there is a reason to all of this.

Taehyung was in the side that is called Gems.

Isen and Sammy were on the side that were called Jewels.

No they weren't stones, but that was their names. Apparently Gems were known for their extremely crude behavior and their unbelievable strength. They are Free people

Jewels are known for being kind and more onto healing. They are calm people. And there is an obvious tension between the two groups.

Gems and Jewels hate each other. With a strong passion.

There would be more explanation, but that's for later.

Namjoon tapped Taehyung's back, signaling him to walk back to their places. The younger nodded and walked towards his friends. Yoongi and Jungkook.

Namjoon joined in, making everyone smile.

"Too bad you didnt get in first. I bet that fucking Jewel got in your way." Jungkook scoffed as he drank a carton of milk. Banana milk.

"Those Jewels can suck my ass. Sammy cheated and I know it." Taehyung growled as he took a water. Yoongi rolled his eyes and threw him a wet towel.

Taehyung stumbled back and caught the wet towel, earning a loud slap to his skin. Namjoon and Jungkook started laughing really hard because they didnt expect it. Taehyung also started laughing.

"What the hell, man!" He laughed. Yoongi shrugged but then his smile fell when he saw the two leaders of order.

Dusk and Dawn.

Dusk was wearing a beautiful blue black gradient dress that fit around her figure perfectly. Her elegance and style lit up the room of Gems.

Gems loved style and elegance. They wore black and blues to match their leader.

Dawn was wearing a gradient, a orange black gradient. Her flowy curly hair flew behind her. Much like the way of the Jewels.

They all matched blacks and oranges to match their pretty leader.

Dusk spoke.

"Beautiful children of mine, we have an announcement to make for all of you. So please listen up." Dusk announced, her voice soft and yet bold. All the Gems stomped their feet three times and stared in silence. Dawn frowned.

"Yes, my lovelies. Dusk and I have something important to say."

"Starting today, we will be doing a Battle. Only the best can be in it. And I expect all my Gems to try their hardest. I will be choosing teams that will go into this battle of the rule." Dusk smiled. All the gems murdered quietly while the Jewels loudly spoke.

Jewels were carefree and kind, meaning that they were loud when calm.

Taehyung felt anger bubble up in his stomach. Respect didnt seem to fit them.

"Please, lovelies, chatter later." Dawn sighed. The Jewels shut up immediately.

"Alright. My best group, my strongest and least vulnerable. Jungkook, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Namjoon. Please step in front of me."

The four of them stood straight and did as they were told. Dusk was beautiful. Her dark, ocean blue hair was straightened and half put in a highpony tail while the rest was down close to her waist.

Taehyung smiled fondly.

"Yoongi. You will be the Order in Cheif. Jungkook, you will be Order of Strength. Namjoon, you will be Order of Strategy. And Taehyung. You will be Order of Cruelty." Dusk commanded. All four men put their hands on their neck and left three fingers stuck up, almost as if it stabbed the bottom of their chin.

Dusk stood straight and smiled proudly. She brought out her hand and grabbed all of theirs. There was a burning sensation in their wrists, causing them to wince lightly. But they all had a mark.

Dawn was bringing out her best of the best, and giving them cold, almost icy blue tattoos while Dusk gave White ones.

Taehyung looked at his. It was a Spade. Almost as if it was straight from a card. The spade was the sign or sharpness. Perfect for cruelty. Taehyung loved it.

The others were looking at theirs and Taehyung used his time to take a look at the Jewels chosen.

There were four. A kid with bright, reddish orange hair. Another with light brown hair. A kid with blonde hair and Isen, the blue haired shit.

Taehyung accidentally made eye contact with the fire hair boy, his eyes were brown and his skin pale. He had a negative sign on his wrist from what Taehyung could see.

He smiled softly to Taehyung.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and looked away.

Dawn and Dusk stood next to each other and their colors contrasted. Dusk looked to her team while Dawn looked to hers.

The obvious difference in their appearances was bright. Dusk had dark colors while Dawn had bright.

"Team Night, Team Day. Follow us. The rest of you, fall out." Taehyung and the rest of the boys walked out with Dusk and Dawn.

Everyone else went back to their places. The eight boys stood side by side as the two tall women stopped.

Dusk sighed. Dawn seemed annoyed but said nothing.

"You eight are going to have to work together to make everyone together as one." Dawn softly explained. Everyone was silent. No one took Dawn seriously. But when Dusk looked serious and still, they went silent.

"Make sure everyone is getting along before the eclipse in 7 months. All eight of you have the qualities of human kind. I expect you all to use each other's titles as ordered. Now, all of you will be staying in a mansion until further notice. Understood?" Dusk growled. Everyone nodded and didnt complain.

Although. Taehyung wanted to fucking die in that moment. His worst nightmare had come true.

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