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Yelling was heard from outside, waking everyone up. Namjoon groaned into his pillow and screamed into it with anger. It is 6 in the fucking morning! What can possibly be this important?!


"SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I HIT YOUR GODDAMNED HEAD!" Yoongi shouted violently. Team Day were tired but got up, although they were annoyed.

Jimin then remembered that the leaders were going to be there by 7:30 with all their students.

"Oh sHIT!" He shouted, grabbing his attire and then ran to the open bathroom, being the first one there. He started brushing his teeth and ran back to his room as he did, getting clothes so he could look presentable. Sure, Jewels usually wore flowy and very comfortable clothes, but he never really was comfortable with it.

He liked clothes that fit him. Fit his body and didn't make him feel like a potato in a potato sack. He wanted to be a French fry. Pretty and Slim.

As he finished brushing his teeth, he mouth washed to make sure his breath didnt smell. He had a fear of having bad odor, so he always did extra for smelling good.

Finally he just had to fix his hair. And as he did that, Hoseok walked into the bathroom and discreetly looked at Jimin, who was perfecting his look. Hoseok scoffed.

"You look ridiculous, Jimin. Theres no way anyone would think you look good with tight clothes. You might as well change." Hoseok mumbled. Jimin felt his heart swell at that. He always knew that his friends never agreed with his tastes, but it would still be nice if they could appreciate them.

Isen was about to walk past until he saw Jimin. When he did, his face soured. Almost as if he saw a bug or something gross.

"What the fuck are you wearing? You look horrible." Isen scoffed. Jimin hid his hurt from that. Isen and Hoseok were always pretty harsh when it came to criticism. But Jin usually was the cruelest when he was being completely honest. And that's what he was afraid of.

But when he saw Jin look at him and nod approvingly, he felt more at ease. Hoseok scowled.

"He just doesnt want to hurt your feelings." Isen giggled. Jimin rolled his eyes and popped his neck, making the other two cringe.

"Or maybe you guys are upset he didn't approve of your outfits, Slobs." Jimin growled as he picked his thinks up again. He left the room before he could be grabbed, so when they tried, he basically ran.

"Stupid kid." Hoseok barked.

As Jimin finished putting his things away, he made one last check in the mirror. He looked, well, dashing. He already had makeup on, enough not to be considered feminized, but enough to bring out his features.

He perfected his look.

Jimin walked out to the living room, now being 100% ready, but didnt realize he was one of the last ones to do so.

Almost everyone was downstairs. Hoseok, Isen, Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jungkook. But, where was Taehyung? Jimin didnt have much time to worry about him, so ye just walked downstairs, getting surprised looks from the Gems.

"Wow, you look nice." Jungkook complimented genuinely. Jimin was shocked that he was being nice, but smiled in response. A compliment is a compliment.

Hoseok looked to the stairs and smiled. And it wasn't just any smile. It was a flirtatious one. Jimin felt disgusted but looked to the staircase anyway. His face dropped the disgusted look and turned into one with awe. Taehyung walked down swiftly, but gracefully. His black hair was styled so well that his facial features popped out.

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