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"W-what the fuck am I even looking at?!" Was the first thing everyone woke up to. Well, everyone except for Isen and Jimin. They were the ones arguing.

Jimin was beyond embarrassed because Isen found his tablet and was looking through his stories. The stories he read because it was his preferred choice.

But apparently, its wrong to like shit.

"Isen, quiet down, would you? Its 5 in the goddamn morning." Jimin whispered, worry covered his face since he knew it was against the rules. It had been about two weeks since they started training everyone, and today was their off day. It was Saturday.

"I dont fucking care! Why the fuck am I looking at this? Huh? What, do you think this is okay?" Isen shouted more. But of course that was put on pause as soon as he heard 6 slamming doors. Oops.

"I will say this once and only once. If I ever hear you people screaming at 5 in the goddamn motherfucking morning, I will go ape shit. So you better tell me what the fucking reason is, tO INTERRUPT MY WEEKEND OFF, EXPLAIN YOURSELVES BEFORE I SHOVE FUCKING BRICKS DOWN YOUR GODDAMNED THROATS!" Yoongi shouted. Isen and Jimin became scared. Yoongi was intimidating in general, but to hear him scream like this was a different level.

Luckily, Jungkook just tugged onto his shirt lightly to calm him down and the elder just shut up, waiting for an answer.

"This doesn't involve Gems." Isen simply stated. But that only made things worse. Yoongi walked downstairs, swiftly but seemed calm. But once he stomped towards Isen fast. He slapped the shit outta him and grabbed two fist fills of his shirt, it became terrifying.

"It. Does. Now. Fucking speak before you won't ever be able to." Yoongi said in a sweet voice. Jesus christ this kid is just as scary as the idea of death.

"Jin-Hyung. I found some things on Jimin's tablet." Isen finally answered. Jin rose an eyebrow and slowly walked down the stairs to check. Jimin wanted to stop him, but all he did was widen his eyes in panic. If Jin saw what he read- no.

Jimin snatched it before Jin could see. He was scared. Scared of what would happen. He was already a fuck up, why couldn't he at least forget that in the world of stories?

Taehyung knew what they were talking about now, but the look on Jimin's face showed that it wasn't something to joke about. What the fuck? Was he forbidden from everything that's normal? Wasn't it considered normal to watch these things as you grow up? Even fucking read it? For god's sake, Jimin is 23!

But the scared face only showed Taehyung that even then, he had no freedom to do what he wanted.

"Jimin, if it's nothing you need to worry about, then why are you hiding it?" Jin asked softly. Jimin shook his head and kept his tablet. Yoongi was confused.

"What the fuck is going on?" He asked. Nobody answered Yoongi because they were too confused with what as going on as well.

Hoseok snatched the tablet out of Jimin's grasp and held it over his head, where he knew Jimin couldn't reach. Fuck.

Jin grabbed the tablet and unlocked it. Gasping as he looked through it. Jimin couldn't feel more disgusted. Not only with the feeling of getting your privacy invaded, but also being disgusted with himself for being bad. Jin was silent and turned the tablet off. There was just a glint in his eyes that no one wanted to point out. The silence was terrifying.

"Go upstairs and wait for me in my room." Jin almost silently said. Jimin was visibly shaking. His hands were trembling from fear. No one heard Jin be so quiet.

"What the fuck is going on? Why are you guys always fucking treating him like he's 12?" Jungkook finally asked, surprising everyone from hearing the cuss word leave his mouth so smoothly.

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