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"What if you didn't get that far?"


Jimin continued to work on his studies.

During this time, he had gotten a helper. His hand was Seokjin but in Jewelian it would be Nijkoes.

Seokjin was a servant to the Jewelian kingdom.

And when he was assigned to help Jimin, he treated the boy as a brother. But it soon felt like a parental thing.

They had practiced fighting, and he imagined the one day that they would be forced into a war.

How Seokjin would die for Jimin, and he knew he wouldn't become and old man with a lover by his side.

So he opened his mouth to speak,



Jimin had started to scream out of pain. The ground around him had started to rumble harshly, and the people around him had taken a step back except for the glowing figures, the King's sons.

Then Jimin felt his body relax.

He looked up and saw everyone fear him.

Jimin's orbs had now become completely white with his sclera becoming a glowing yellow. The veins on the side of his face became a glowing yellow as well and his arm's.

His hair had lost its red color. The silver completely taking over and his final form becoming complete.

He was Prince Nimij. The prince of all Jewels.

Jimin charged towards King Illu at full speed. Before anyone could stop him, he grabbed onto the King's neck and let electric shocks go into his body.

People started to scream and step back. King Illu's skin started turning transparent and his screams becoming less and less audible. Then his eyes had turned completely grey.

Jimin looked back at the two figures, and charged to them. But they had jumped, one to a pond and another to a field. Jimin had growled. He was about to walk there, but he noticed his brother and Hoseok.

The two peas in a pond.


Isen was the elder brother. The model. The one to take the throne.

But from the looks of it, Jimin was going to take it before he could try.

He was special. His swordsmanship was fantastic and for the age of 13, Jimin was brilliant.

Isen was 2 years older, so seeing that Jimin was getting it so easy made him furious.

Not only that, he had also gotten Seokjin, too. It wasn't fair.

But then Hoseok appeared and changed Isen's life.

He was charming, kind, beautiful.

Isen found himself starting to grow fond of the elder. The elder of 2 years.

The two had grown to completely dislike Jimin.

"He gets everything he wants. It's not fair. He's too spoiled." Isen would say.

"It's only because he's the baby." Hoseok scowled.

Isen had found himself growing only more fond of the elder. And soon enough, he experienced his first kiss with him as well.

But of course, tragety had to strike.

King Light had died on his way back to the kingdom.

Jimin was devastated and heart broken.

Isen was enraged, because he knew exactly what was bound to happen next.

Jimin was officially next in line.


Jimin had been chosen to take the throne. And Seokjin, someone ye saw as a motherly figure, was so proud of him.

When they had entered Jimin's side of the living area, Seokjin put his hands on Jimin's shoulders.

The younger looked up with glassy eyes.

"If I were to die, I want you to promise me something." Seokjin whispered.

Jimin continued to look, feeling his worry spike at the sudden conversation.

"You will do anything and everything to rule your kingdom. Even if it means killing your brother. And no matter how I die, you will never regret fighting for everyone else."

Jimin let his tears out and nodded his head. Because for his reap family, the only person he wanted to protect was his father.

The rest of them were worthless to him.

So he promised.


Jimin heartlessly looked into the eyes of Isen as everyone around them was being slaughtered by soldiers. Isen was bleeding harshly, Hoseok was next to him, trying to hide his pain.

Jimin scoffed.

"N-Nimij, pleas-se help me." Isen whispered. Jimin walked to him and grabbed his neck. He lifted Isen off of the ground.

Hoseok watched in horror as Isen was trying to gasp and scratch at Jimin's wrist. Jimin looked completely heartless. But then he said something.

"Im so sorry, brother dear. It seems like I'm much too useless to save you. Such a shame, I will truly miss you." Jimin smirked. Isen was crying but before he could completely die, Jimin's eyes began to glow harshly and Isen went completely limp and his body dripped of blood.

Jimin looked to Hoseok who was completely shocked at the sight.

"You two were redeemable, but when I found out that I wasn't valuable to you, I figured you had no value either. All hail King Park." Jimin scowled, breaking Hoseok's neck harshly and letting him fall to the mud.

Jimin let his eyes go back to their normal color and his hair stay as it was.

He was his normal self again.

"Let's see who I'm going to fight against." He sighed. So he ran to the field.

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