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If Jimin could choose between training 13 year olds or 16 year olds, his headass would choose the 13 year olds.

The late teenagers were just slacking off, flirting, or overly motivated. Jimin was starting to get annoyed after he saw 29 kids stop participating the last time, so he and Taehyung decided to do a surprise test.

Although, it was still awkward for Jimin especially after Saturday. But it's been three days, he needed to get over it.

"Welcome back." Jimin smiled brightly, getting somewhat greeted by the angsty kids. Taehyung wasnt out yet, since he was going to test them first. They had the perfect plan.

"Alright, you guys, today is going to be a free day, you got it? I want you guys to relax a small bit. What good is a job when you dont get breaks?"

This of course, earned cheers of happiness out of some kids. But oh how they were wrong. The dumbasses didn't even notice how there were about 30 kids missing. Meaning there were only 60 kids there. Once everyone was situated, Jimin grabbed his phone and started texting Taehyung.

Me: Ready?

Taeboi: just say when.

Me: when.

Taeboi: smartass.

Without another few moments to pass, kids perked their heads up as a loud rumbling noise erupted into the area. Some people were confused by none of them moved. Jimin gad to act.

"What was that?" He mumbled to himself, looking completely confused. Kids now looked concerned. If Jimin was, then there was a reason.

Taehyung was literally a few feet away, signaling kids to run in and bombard them. And that's exactly what they did. There was screaming and then the lazy asses screamed with them.

Jimin stood around and watched as kids ran away. It was beyond disappointing. Taehyung and the kids grabbed hold of everyone, except for Jimin with ease. Now Taehyung was mad. But Jimin wasn't. Oh no, he couldn't be.

Jimin was Livid.

"Let them go, the thirty of you that participated, stand over there." Jimin commanded, watching as the 30 kids stood back and watched what they expected to happen. It was entertaining to them, but it was infuriating to the instructors.

The kids were beyond confused. But when they saw Jimin's cold expression, they became scared.

"90 kids. 90 kids and only 30 of you participated." Jimin started. It was deathly silent in the area. The only things that were heard was nature. But that wasn't it.

"Is this some kind of joke to you guys?" Jimin asked. Once again silence.

"AT LEAST HAVE THE GODDAMNED DECENCY TO ANSWER ME!" Jimin snapped. The kids just flinched.

"I have been working with you guys for almost 3 fucking weeks now! And only 30! Only goddamn 30 of you decided to participate. I am not going to waste my fucking time on kids who sit on their lazy asses and just watch their death before their eyes!" Jimin was shouting with so much force, that a vein in his neck was popping out. To say that Taehyung was intrigued was an understatement, because, Fuck, it was attractive.

One of the kids got up to protest, tears in her eyes but before she could say anything, she got snapped at.


The girl immediately sat down, never seeing her instructor act this way.

"When I ask this I want a fucking answer. Do you guys want to die?"

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