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Once, there was a beautiful kingdom, filled with flowers and trees, with an extravagant allure of colors and scents.

This kingdom wasn't so beautiful after some years.

Every 25 years, there would be new children born from both royalty figures.

But this one was seen a failure.

Because both of the babies were male.

One was Jimin, and the other was ################


"CHAAAAAARGE!" Isen commanded. Every kid that they had trained had screamed and ran towards the army of Gems that had ran towards them with fury.

Jin had found himself running towards the crowd, slicing the necks of many people that had tried to slice his.

Namjoon had let his eyes glow and his arms raise, forcing the earth to either crush or swallow the people that had tried to kill him.

Isen and Jungkook had used their fists and weapons to kill those who dared to cross them.

Hoseok and Yoongi threw each other across the field, only for Yoongi to have his eyes glow a soft blue and about 40 necks breaking due to his skill of the air.

Jimin had ran towards the crowd, only to be met with a familiar face. Many, actually.

It was Dusk.

"Dusk! Oh my god, help us out!" He exclaimed as he tried to go past her. But she blocked his way.

Jimin looked up at the tall woman, noticing that her eyes were blue and her hair tips softly glowing.

"I will help us out. By taking out our enemy." She hinted. This made Jimin gasp. She had a dagger and almost sliced his throat if it wasn't for his dodging skills. He stumbled back, watching the now harsh expression on her face.

"DUSK, WHAT THE HELL?!" Jimin shouted. But then he looked behind her and saw the man he truly despised. This man had tried to kill him since he was merely a child, and had failed every single time.

Jimin frowned. So, this was how it was.

Jimin sighed and felt his skin crawl with electricity.

"Fine. If you wanna go, let's go."


Isen was running. He used as many techniques as he could. and he noticed that everyone was working together. For those who had been killed, the kids all rampaged. Jungkook even helped them out. They had no mercy on others. So when he saw a gigantic fight break out in front of him, he merely dodged and went towards what he hoped was thesource. But it was something far more susprising for him.

He saw Rose and Jackson, their eyes a strong and bright blue and the ground around them sapphire blue. The person they sat in front of was merely sitting down. But you couldnt see their face.

Rose lifted her arm fast and made Isen fly back in an instant. Isen gasped as he hit the ground and felt pain.

Jackson made a gigantic shield, hiding the person even more. But suddenly, he witnessed someone yelling.

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