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" Stop Being Stupid Yoongi!!"

" Now im the one your saying stupid?! If you are the one who is flirting with another guy?!"

" I wasn't flirting with the guy!! He is the one who is flirting with me!! Why can't you understand that!!" Jihyo explained-yelled at him, her voice cracking, they doesn't really fight, this is there FIRST REAL fight to be exact,

" Stop the act Jihyo!! I saw it with my two eyes!!" He said anger was visible in his eyes, and his knuckles are turning white,

" FINE!!! if you don't believe me, lets stop this b*llsh*t!!" She finally said to him, this make Suga lose his control, he can't feel his body anymore because of what HIS girl said,

" W-what?"

" Lets Fvcking stop this, let's just cool our self down, and when we are cooled down we can start talking again, but please, let's separate for awhile, im so tired with this relationship!!" And with what she said, it makes Suga stiff on his spot, he couldn't move, he watch Jihyo quietly leaving BTS dorm,

After she left, the guys came out of their rooms, with worried faces they are obviously eavesdropping,

" Suga you ok?" Jin the Eldest among the 7 of them ask him, he shook his head 'NO' then he started sobbing the guys were looking at each other, giving worried glances, They know Jihyo is the FIRST girl who make Suga always smile and SHE is the FIRST girl who brings Suga's soft side, BTS members know that the two love birds love each other so much, that they even promise that they would not tell lies to each other, and only say the truth which is true they always tell each other what happen to their whole day, when they are far away from each other,

Jihyo is the FIRST girl who can make him Shy and turn him into a lover boy, and bringing his soft side,

Now that Jihyo decided that they should separate for awhile, make him sad, guilty, and mad at his self, he didn't listen to her, when she is telling the truth, now he is too late,

" Hyung you should rest, we still have to perform tomorrow..." their Golden Maknae A.K.A Jungkook said to his hyung worriedly, they know that he might be stayed up late and drunk his self to his room again, Suga ignored all of their concerns and go to the kitchen to get some soju, he took 7 bottles and took some chips and go to his room slamming the door shut,

The guys only sigh in the scene, they never saw Suga like this, they let him be and Jin told the others to sleep already...


Jihyo is already drunk in her room, she already drink 10 bottles of Soju, she knows that its too much but she couldn't help it, She loved Suga so much, she was telling the truth but he is not listening to her,

Its not too long, She pass out on her bed,


Mina decided to volunteer on waking their leader up, She peek on the door to see Jihyo still sleeping hugging the cushions, she chuckled at went in, she started shaking her up slowly, but no response,

" Unnie wake up... we still have to rehearse our dance and perform" This time she is shaking her harder, Jihyo finally opened her eyes, to see her best friend there, she sit up, with a terrible head aches, she groaned in pain,

" Told you not to drink!" Mina scolded her, Mina help her stand up to the living room, when they are in the stares, Chaeng notice them and quickly ran to them helping the poor leader stand, they let her sit on the dinning area while her head is resting on the table,

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