9 • Madarame's Art Gallery

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5/25 After School

"She just so happened to have a seizure in front of me. That's when a thought crossed my mind... if I don't call for help and leave her be I can obtain her painting without any strings attached," Shadow Madarame explained.

"No... you let her die!?" Panther asks.

"She was physically weak. No one would doubt if she just dropped dead because of a seizure. Above all, Yusuke, didn't you think it was odd that I discovered your talent when you were only three? The reason why I kept you around was to keep you from realizing the truth behind Sayuri"

"You killed her...!" Fox seethed.

"The artistic talents you inherited from your mother were a delightful miscalculation, though. If I'm to steal ideas, it's much easier ribbing the future of brats who won't talk back than adults. It's thanks to you that I came up with the idea. You have my gratitude"

Fox chuckled. "I thank you, Madarame. Every reason for me to forgive you had disappeared without a trace at this very moment! You aren't some rotten artist... you're a despicable fiend who wears the skin of an artist!"

"All you good for nothings...! Breaking into my museum and doing whatever the hell you want. Those who have the connections make the rules, those who don't, follow them. Not to mention the value of art is all subjective! I make the rules in the art scene! I am the supreme being! I am the god of the art world!"

"This isn't good. Get back!" Mona tells us.

Shadow Madarame transformed into multiple floating paintings. Two eyes, a nose, and a mouth with a moustache above it.

After a fight we defeated it, revealing the real Shadow Madarame once again. We nearly finished but then he turned back into the paintings. The third time he turned into a painting we came up with a plan and finally stopped him.

"Ngh... damn brats..." Shadow Madarame grumbled. "Even if you cry for help someday... you'll regret this. No adult will help you"

"I hope you're prepared to go down, Madarame!" Fox announces.

We finished him off and took the painting from him. He actually seemed scared as Fox approached him.

"No one cares for true art, all they want are easily recognizable brands," Shadow Madarame says. "I'm a victim in this too, wouldn't you agree!? The art work revolves around money after all, you can't rise up without any money. Yusuke, you understand, don't you? Being a poor artist is truly miserable! I just didn't want to return to that life!"

"A fiend like you had no right to speak about the world of art!" Fox told him. "You're done for, along with this abominous world!"

"No, please! Just, don't kill me!"

Fox shoved him onto the ground. "Return to yourself in reality and confess your crimes. All of them!"

"You're not going to kill me?"

"Swear it!"

"All right, all right! What about the other one though? The one with the black mask?"

"A black mask?" Panther asks.

"It can't be... another intruder besides us within this palace!?" Mona asks.

"I heard it before. It's the truth," I tell them.

The ground shook and the Palace started to crumble around us. Mona turned into a car and the others got in, but they didn't go anywhere. Skull stuck his head out and looked at me.

"You comin'?"

"You should know by now, I have my own way of getting out. A way where you won't see who I am in reality"

5/25 Evening

I stepped through the door into the Velvet Room, just as Akira was waking up in his cell.

"You have expelled one who was stained in vanity. You are now one step closer to your rehabilitation, it's a delightful thing indeed," Igor said.

"Our master is pleased. You should be honoured, Inmate," Justine tells Akira.

"However, that man's remarks are concerning. It seems another has made their way into the Metaverse"

"Is that true?" Akira asks.

"That is beyond my knowledge... but your rehabilitation is progressing smoothly. That is for certain. May the devotion to your rehabilitation grow even deeper. I have high hopes for you"

6/5 Daytime

"I... I have committed crimes that are unbecoming of an artist. Plainly put, I, um... plagiarized work. I-I faked this country's art work, and even Sayuri!" Madarame cried. "How could I... I possibly apologize for what I've done!"

"And that was from the urgent apology conference by Madarame that took place just a moment ago," the newscaster says. "After reporting to the association, Madarame has agreed to the police's request to turn himself in.

"On top of charges of abuse to his pupils, Madarame is under suspicion of claiming their works as his own. Some doubt the validity that his maiden work Sayuri was stolen, believing it was used for fraud. This large scale criminal act has caused a great shock to the art world. After the conference, Madarame was taken to a police hospital for interrogation due to his age. However, initial psych evaluations state that he is mentally sound and likely responsible for his actions.

"Also, a group calling themselves the Phantom Thieves posted a dubious note at Madarame's exhibit. The police will investigate their relation to this case, but for now, did not identify them as suspects"

I turned off the tv and sat in silence for a second. I pulled out my phone, looking at the conversation I didn't delete with Ann, Ryuji and Akira in it. I wanted to text them, reveal who I was, or even mention my Palace, but my fingers wouldn't move. In the end I sighed and put the phone away, going back to watching tv.

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