35 • Mementos/Shibuya

244 4 3

12/24 After School

We made it back to the temple to fight the Holy Grail, which turned out to be the God of Control, the one who was posing as Igor for some time.

We cut the cords so it couldn't heal, but as we were about to finish it off it transformed. It became something larger that would be even more difficult to defeat.

The temple around us broke away, the ground shaking as it transformed. We were high up in the clouds on a giant platform, unable to see what was beneath us. But all we could focus on was the giant robot like angel in front of us.

"I am the administrator born of the collective human unconscious. The god of control, Yaldabaoth," it's voice echoed.

"This is crazy! It's like a building!" Oracle said.

"It was already huge back when it was the Holy Grail...!" Panther said.

"The administrator must guide mankind toward proper development. And now that the foolishness of man has been proven, it is the administrator's duty to purge them," Yaldabaoth said.

"You kidding!? This is just some kinda rigged game you started!" Skull shouted.

"The foolish masses merely spread indolent thoughts and force the progress of society backward. If left to humanity, the world would slowly meet its demise. Rehabilitation is impossible now"

"That doesn't mean humans are evil though!" Queen said.

"Indeed. There are many upstanding citizens. However, they merely take the sole path before them. The act of making decisions is accompanied by nothing but pain. Even if a cliff of ruin lie ahead, these lemmings would march on without a second thought..."

I stepped forward, closer to Yaldabaoth who was floating in front of the platform we were on. "Humans are not lemmings! I am an example of someone who didn't march on without a second thought, I turned around and faced the problem I had at hand instead of walking away!"

One of his hands swept forward and grabbed ahold of me. I could hear the others shouting after me as I was held tightly by him, nothing underneath me to keep me from falling to my death if I were let go.

"And you will be accompanied with nothing but pain"

I watched as it attacked my friends and I started struggling, but I was barely moving at all. Finally, the others attacked it and it dropped me, but as it let me go it swung me a little bit so I flew onto the platform, rolling towards the others.

Skull helped me up, looking worried. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. We need to focus on that"

We fought Yaldabaoth with all we had, but even that wasn't enough. It struck us down with lightning, fully prepared to erase us from this world. We all tried getting up but were struck again, left with no strength to push ourselves up.

The voices of the people way below started echoing around us, saying how it was pointless and how we wouldn't have won anyway. Mona was the only one that still had strength to get up and tell off the so called god.

Thanks to him the people below started to believe. They cheered, over and over again, the name of the Phantom Thieves. It only started with a couple voices, until more and more joined in as they seemed to remember us.

 Spectra (Ryuji x OC)  Where stories live. Discover now