Ch 1 Lights

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Lights shining so bright.
It sounds like a thousand twinkling stars.
Asking for her to come join in on the fun.
She hesitated for a moment before accepting a rhythm that made her hips sway side to side.
With ever sway and turn a pair of eyes looked her way.
She danced as the dancing queen.
Not being bother by none till someone came up.
He shyly asked for a dance.
Once again she became hesitant.
She knew who he was, a friend of her's since their third year in college.
But tonight he wasn't the same.
He was someone new and mysterious.
She accepted his request for a dance after thinking for a bit.
He took her by the hand and took the lead.
As a new rhythm rocked them both as one.

They both danced in the crowd, distracted by nothing else except each others powerful gaze. His eyes glowed with desire and fear. Her eyes burned with excitement and curiosity. They both danced away, not noticing that everyone was now watching them in awe as they danced as one, smooth like running water

The song ended. They each had a shy sly smirk.

"Well Diaz I didn't know you were that great of a dancer. Where you learn to dance like that?"

"My grandma said it'll help me be more out going when I go out to dance. If I ever had the courage to dance. But when I saw how the lights just shown on you and only you. I knew I had to take a chance and have enough courage to join you. Yeah you looked awesome dancing on your own but I didn't like how other guys seem to be eyeing you as well. I was only trying to be a good friend."

***ouch that stung a bit***

She couldn't help but hold back a sad smile when he said that.

"Well Diaz thank you again for dancing. I best be on my way home now. I'll see you in class tomorrow for Calc. Goodnight."

And with that Diaz was left at the table all alone without her smile.

He saw her walked out of the bar and get onto the bus to drop her off near her apartment. He wished he could've stayed by her side and taken her home to make sure she was safe. But his dumbass messed it up again. He always got so awkward when he tried to figure out how to speak around her. As he made his way to the next bus he replayed the events that happened tonight he couldn't help but hum the song that played for them.

He got to his apartment and was met by his friend. "How'd it go, man?"

"Alright. Im tired bro, im going to bed. Hasta mañana."

With that he slowly walked to his room, took a nice warm shower while humming the song in an endless loop. He laid in bed and thought to himself "What if you got the courage Diaz?! Don't be dumb, she wanted to hear more!" For most of the night he kept playing out the scene in his mind until finally he played the song on his phone and fell asleep.

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