Ch 7 Stay

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After an hour of dancing it finally hit midnight. Neither of them wanted to leave this peaceful area of safe heaven from the rest of the world. They just sat there on the benches. Diaz holding Hazel as she snuggled up close to him for warmth. It began to get a bit chilly as the night kept going. They both knew that they would have to leave this dream like state behind and head to bed to at least get some rest for finals.

Hazel stood up and thanked Diaz for this wonderful evening and got ready to head over to her place before she was stopped.

"You know it's late right."

"Yea I know so what's your point. I can walk from here or better yet let me borrow your bike I'll return it tomorrow after classes."

"Not a chance. Look Haz it's already midnight and what if I'm running late for classes again. Ima need my bike. And you know your always welcomed to stay here. You take the bed and I'll take the couch. Plus I think one of the boys has an extra bike you can borrow that tomorrow then."

She thought for a moment. She had stayed overnight a couple of times but this time she didn't wanna stay because she knew she would somehow end up on the couch just snuggling up next to him. And yes she wanted just that but again she didn't wanna jeopardize their friendship if she wanted so badly to be more than just friends. So again she tried to decline the offer. But Diaz wouldn't have it any other way.

As they grabbed all their things they headed down the flight of stairs till they reached the fourth level. They entered into his apartment trying not to wake up the other three guys who lived there. Of course they couldn't stop giggling over something stupid one of them said as they made their way inside.

"You know Haz Ima miss these moments we have."

"Me too Diaz me too."

And right there and then she just wanted to tell him how she's been feeling for the past half a year or so. But how have things seem to have maybe changed since that one night they stayed up late at her place lying on the carpet floor just thinking about life and stuff. She felt a connection that night that she never felt before. And since then she had a thing for him but she didn't know how he would feel. That was about six months ago and here we are in the present six months later and still friends.

She's always been supportive of his on going flings he's had in the past. She would always give him advice but it never seem to move anywhere. She just thought that she would never be his type. He seemed to fancy girls who were nice and less sarcastic then she was. But she couldn't argue against him going out on mini dates if she too did the same. She did settle down for a month or so but that didn't end so well for the guy.

You see Hazel she tends to flirt without even trying same thing goes for Diaz. So hand in hand they flirt with one another and they don't even realize it because that's their personality. But sometimes they each try to get the others attention but that doesn't seem to ever work. They have to be upfront with one another but they don't know how or perhaps it's cause they don't want to admit it.

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