Ch 10 Wonder

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Eric arrived back at the apartment to find a half awake half asleep Diaz getting up from the couch.

"Hey Diaz get enough beauty sleep." Eric snickered as he saw Diaz rolling his eyes.

"Haha very funny Eric. Geez why are you even up this early."

"Oh you know me just an early bird I suppose."

Diaz walked to the kitchen to start getting the coffee ready when he remembered that Hazel was still in his room. Then a flood of memories filled his head of the events from last night. "Ohhh..." He went to his room and knocked this time to see if Hazel was in there. No response so he called her name again as he opened the door slightly. Only to find an empty room and a made bed. He was disappointed that she wasn't here. Worried about her to be exact that she left without saying goodbye. He got his clothes and headed to the shower to help himself.

While in the shower the memories kept flashing before his eyes. How he saw her, how she held tight to him as they kissed, how he loved the way she said his name he wanted to hear her angelic voice again. He wanted her more than he thought he needed her. This shower wasn't helping his case in fact it just made him get a boner instead. "Fuck" He had to cool down.

After his shower he got dressed and grabbed his stuff and headed to the kitchen to find his coffee ready for him.

"Thanks man."

"Anytime Diaz."

Ready to head out the door he was stopped.

"Hey is everything alright between you and Hazel. I couldn't help but notice she wasn't acting like herself and when I asked she said she was just tired. So I wanted to know your story."

"Wait you saw her leave?"

"I did more than just saw her leave I took her out to get breakfast and then to her dorm."

A little bit of jealousy started to enter into Diaz's mind. The thought of another guy even if it was his best friend, taking Hazel out to eat kinda irritated him. He never thought of himself as the jealous type till now.

"Oh okay that's nice of you. And yea we just stayed up late not much happened."

"Hmm okay man if you say so." Eric wasn't believing either of them. The way they acted towards his question was starting to raise some flags but he was just gonna stay quiet for the time being.

"Well I gotta go thanks again for the coffee bye Eric see you later."


And with that Diaz was out the door and on his way to his 10 am class.

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