Ch 3 Exams

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After his exam, he walked to the bike rack and realized his bike was safe. He relaxed and then waited for exams to be graded. His watch hit 10 o'clock and he walked to his professors class.

He saw a stack of papers outside his room and looked for his exam, startled by his professor. "Good job Diaz. Hadn't seen a score so high since last year when Hazel took my class. In my 30 years of teaching, you two are the highest scores I've ever had. Congrats." He walked away before he could reply and continued looking. He found his exam and saw his paper. "B 85% Congrats." Diaz jumped in glee and did his little victory dance until someone cleared their throat behim him. He turned and was met with Hazel.

"Calm down buddy, you're only number 2."

Two? How high of a score fid she get?

"So about that dance. There's a frat party this Sunday, wanna come bailarín?"

Again, Diaz froze under the glare of those eyes. Those eyes, those powerful eyes, they captured his mind.

"Well...?" He couldn't speak. He began to sweat. He started shaking. He wanted to say yes so loudly but her eyes had him under control.

"Look Diaz, a simple no is good enough." She frowned, upset with a hint of sadness in her eyes. She turned and before she could walk further he shouted a high pitch "yEs!" He sounded like a pubescent boy again. She stopped and turned, confused as to what she heard. "What?" Diaz looked down to avoid her powerful gaze.


She giggled softly, which made him blush. Then she laughed quietly and it grew into a loud, poweful, charming sound. He looked at her and saw her smile, that gorgeous smile. Her laughter was like music. He chuckled quietly. She stopped and took a deep breath.

"Oh man, how can you be this nervous when last night you were dancing like a river flowing through a mountainside?"

He shrugged, and whispered again "yesidliketogo." She walked up to him and his heart felt like a drum about to break.

"What? Please speak louder and much more clearly, pretty boy. I can't understand you."

He took a deep breath and stared into her eyes, feeling their power drill into his soul.

"Yes, I would like to go to the party."

"PERFECT! See you Sunday, 7 pm, outside this building. Don't bring a bike, walk here. We can talk meanwhile we get there." She hugged him and kissed his cheek. He stood frozen as she walked away. What. Just. Happened.

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