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Finally after what felt forever being in that awkward conversation with Tony and the rest of the boys both Diaz and Eric left to go home. On the walk over there the two didn't say much just simple small talk on the walk. Until Eric got curious again about what really did happen. But Diaz didn't want to say anything. He was lost in his own thoughts of actually saying that he wanted to fuck her, her his best friend.

Once they arrived home they went there separate ways. Diaz just slumped on his bed and didn't wanna leave. He turned on his side and looked at the couch near the window where he first kissed her. He turned away not wanting to remember the memories because it might hurt in the end. Then he remembered she said to meet him at 7 at her place. He check his phone it was 6 pm.

"I need to cool down and figure out what I'm going to say to her." He took a quick shower got changed into something casual and left to walk to her place. Being alone made him think of what could happen when he shows up. He played out different scenarios and realized some would end in disasters or end in something more.

He finally arrived at her place and rang the doorbell. It only took her a couple of seconds till she opened the door. He was greeted by a beautiful smile welcoming him into her house.

"How does she look so calm, as if this week we haven't been avoiding one another."

She had snacks on the kitchen island, and two cups filled with wine and the tv was on. Hazel on weekends likes to destress with watching movies some snacks and a good wine bottle. Usually she only has three cups till she starts to get sleepy and feel good.

"Tonight will be like any other weekend night I have. Only exception is that he's here. Maybe a couple of drinks will make me more confident over the topic." She thought as Diaz helped himself and went to take a seat down on the couch. He patted the seat next to her so they could start the movie she had chosen which was Red Riding Hood.

They've seen this movie before so they weren't too invested into it besides talking about what they liked and disliked about it. The main topic was the themes they used throughout the movie and the hot sex scene in the barn. Also what happened to the wolf and how he became one and whatever happened to the romance between the girl and the wolf. By the time the movie had ended they had each three and a half cups of wine and a whole lot of chips and the pizza that they ordered 10 minutes into the movie.

Throughout the movie they both felt at ease and stress free which was the point of why Hazel wanted him to come over.

He had laid his head on her lap as she played with his hair. Kept looking up at her when she got quiet only because she was focused on the movie. He thought it was cute when she would scrunch up her face when something went wrong between the characters. And then he would turn his head back to the movie when he thought he got caught by her. The movie ended and she tried to push him off of her to grab the remote on the little table in front of them.

"Come on Diaz let me turn off the tv your a heavy sack of potatoes dude." She playful said to him as he sifted his weight even more so she would struggle more.

"Hmm no." As he wrapped his arms around her waist now.

She started to get up even though he was holding her down and after a while of struggling she surrendered and laid on the couch. Half her body up from the waist was laying on the couch with a still attached Diaz holding her down the lower half was dangling off the couch.

She was laughing and looked down at him and saw how cute he looked. Almost like a lost puppy that doesn't want to leave something good he found or had. She quiet laughing and just played with his hair waiting till he would let go of her waist.

"I wonder what's going through that fast pace mind of yours." She closed her eyes and just replayed a song in her mind that wouldn't leave.

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