Ch 4 Flashback

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She walked out of the building giggling. Knowing that Diaz looked so cute when he blushes. She made her way to her next class being molecular cell bio.

On her way over there she just couldn't wait for Sunday but in the mean time she had to stay focused on her studies. These last two week were finals for seniors before becoming a graduate. Then summer would hit and she would be off to another state to study for medicine. It felt like she had everything figured out except for one thing. The way she felt towards her friend Diaz.

They had their ups and downs. They made so many memories since the day they first met in a psychology course their third year in college. She could still remember what happened that afternoon class they took.


Profesor talks about the human brain and what fear does to it both physically and emotionally. How the effects of fear trigger certain areas in the brain that tell scientists more than what they knew about the whole "flight or fight" response that then triggers the nervous system.

In between the lecture the professor brought up a topic for debate. The class started to fight with one another about what fear could mean. Of course everyone had their own perspective of fear until one girl spoke up. It was Hazel. Diaz looked up from his bored state of mind. This class never held his attention because he always found it hard to stay focus on something he didn't like nor had much interest until she spoke.

"I think what psychology has said and taught us is that we as humans should go with the choice that scares us the most. Because that's the one that's going to help us grow the most. If we don't take risks then what good does that do to us. Today might be our last day and we could have many regrets of not taking those risks that scare us. Once we do take them then look two things could happen. Either one it goes well and we learn that their wasn't nothing to be afraid of in the first place. Or two it goes wrong and we get hurt. But that is life we need both factors in order to grow and continue to live for something. We need the things that give us a warm feeling and the ones that give us nightmares."

And with that more people began to agree or argue her point. But all Diaz could do was look at how she seem to be pleased with the uproar she just created as she put her feet on the desk and laid back with a smirk. He just had to talk to her and congratulate her for her smartass self. And that's how their first encounter went.

He went up to her after class and they hit it off. Since then they had many study nights and many all nighters talking about the most randomness things while being distracted studying as well as fun adventures around the city.

*end flashback*

Those were the good old days she thought as she finally reached her class across campus. Today was a longer lecture since it included a lab too so she wouldn't be back to her mini apartment till 8pm. Meaning no mini study night with Diaz like they usually do on most evenings throughout the week. Where it's become a tradition to make a quick meal and study the effects of the human body on what we ate and did. Sometimes the study sessions would change topic depending if one of them needed help with studying depending on the science class they had that day. But recently they've become a bit less frequent due to finales now among them. And she didn't know if Diaz would show up at her place tonight or no since he usually surprises her sometimes. So she decided to txt him right before the class started and let him know if they could reschedule to Wednesday.

*txt messages*
~Hey Diaz don't know if your stopping by tonight to study but I get out late at 8 and instead of going home heading to the library to study. Hope you can understand and if we could reschedule till Wednesday. Alright gotta go bye see you around.
-Hey yea it's no big deal see you then peace.

Okay so Hazels not available tonight damn. I was so looking forward to seeing her again. Sure we've know each other and everything but I don't know. Things seem and feel different when I'm around her recently. Was it because of last night at the club? Did I somehow gotten feelings for my best friend? And if so does she feel the same way? No this can't be I don't wanna ruin anything between us but maybe just maybe I wanna take that risk.

As he was talking to himself he remembered that first time he saw her. She talked about fear and taking risks. Maybe he should but when would he tell her. This Sunday seems like a good idea. It'll be another dance but at a frat house. Ooo I hope I don't mess this up or something bad happens.

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