Ch 6 Studying

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As they ate they talked about the nonsense they always tend to talk about. Times didn't seem to have change between these two. The night was still young as they finished their meals they began to pull out their laptops and notes. They put on some study music and went into study mode.

For the next hour or so all you would hear from them were inaudible noises of each of them studying something different and trying to retain the information for the following finals coming up.

It hit 11 o'clock. Usually around this time it's either time to hit the hay or stay up for another hour. But Hazel had another idea this night. She looked up from her laptop and saw Diaz's lips moving as he reread a passage from his neurobiology textbook. She couldn't help but wonder how his lips would taste against hers. The way they would move in sync she could only image. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard him say something mocking like.

"You having fun over there just staring at me," he said with a smirk.

"Yea a bit. Couldn't help but notice the smudge of hot sauce you had at the corner of your mouth and the front of your shirt dork."

"Ah shit."

"Dude I'm kidding it's only like your whole left side is covered in dried sauce."


Hazel died of laughter as she saw Diaz rummaging in the bag of food for a napkin and some water. She had to put her laptop aside before it fell off her lap from all the laughing that had just taken control over her body. As he cleaned himself off Hazel was drying the tears that had formed from all the laughter. She looked over at Diaz and saw he was struggling to get the sauce off. She got up and sat next to him and proceeded to grab his face and took the wet napkin from his hand and gently cleaned the corner of his mouth.

As she does this action Diaz is still and his breathing begins to hitch as she cleans him up. All he can do is stare at her beautiful hazel eyes as they are concentrated on his lips. His eyes move from her eyes to her lips. Her sweet soft lips he can only imagine. They start to move as if she's saying something. Then he realizes she is saying something and he wasn't paying attention. "Aw shit shit. What did she say."

"Hello earth to Diaz. I said I'm done. Hello you good dude."

"Huh yea I'm good."

He moves his head away from her hand that held him softly just a second ago. They both stare at each other with an odd look. As if too say what's up with you. Of course they each knew something the other didn't but were to awkward to say anything. Instead Hazel got up and changed the music on her phone to something that would let them dance more instead of studying. After all they needed a break.

"Come on Diaz let me see what you got pretty boy."

"Alright you asked for it señorita."

And in once quick motion he grabbed a hold of her hand and pulled her close to his body and they became in sync once again just like yesterday night at the club. Except this time it felt different. Maybe it was due to the fact they were all alone. Or maybe because she wasn't completely pressed up against his grion like last time. Or maybe just maybe it was because this time the couple of sips from alcohol weren't in their system meaning he was more aware of what was happening and she did too.

But maybe that was a good thing now they could dance as awkwardly as they wanted too. And with that in mind they did just that. They spun and twirled in circles and squares. The music played many genres such as slow and fast beat regatón which was always Hazel's favorite. But Diaz liked the classic artists de cumbia y banda. The ones where you just shake your whole body around or grab your partner by the back and pull them close and you dance to the loud sounds de banda.

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