Chapter Two

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Gilbert led me through the maze of tables, and unfamiliar people.
He didn't speak to me as we walked. He kept his eyes forward, a rather serious expression on his pale face. On occasion he would exchange word with someone in a language that was unfamiliar to me.

As we turned on to a small forest path, I deep feeling set in my stomach.

I stopped at the foot of the cleared path.
This doesn't feel right...
Gilbert urged me forward, and assured me it was okay.
Hesitantly, very hesitantly, I gave in.

I will admit that I was a bit scared by this. I was not used to just walking off with strangers.
Much less a stranger who happened to be the brother of my deceased childhood love.

"Mr. Bielschmit?" I asked.
"Please call me Gilbert." he replied with a small grin.

"Gilbert," I say repeat slowly, "Where is it we're going exactly?"

"It's a surprise," he says with a wink.
I feel my cheeks grow warm at the sight of the mischievous glint in those weirdly colored eyes.

I turned away, looking at my feet as I walked over the carpet of leaves, and dirt.

My face was warm, and more than likely burning as red as the pasta sauce I craved greatly.

We fell into silence yet again, this time, though, the atmosphere was thick with tension.

"Otto really liked you," Gilbert said, breaking the tense silence with a soft voice.
"Oh" I mumble.

Why is it that Otto seems to be the biggest topic off today?

A small smile played Gilbert's lips, as he opened the door of a small little building. The building in question was about the size of the sitting room back in Mr. Edelstein's manor.

The dark wood was rotting slightly, and the widows were clouded with what looked like years worth of dirt.

He motioned for me to step inside, and I did. Hesitantly.
I took in the interior of the building.

It was a simple kitchen, a stove, a fireplace, a table, shelf's, and cutlery.

The walls were covered with faded floral wallpaper, and had paintings hanging from the walls.

There was another room that branched off to the right. Out of curiosity I walked into it.

The room was simple. A bed in the corner, coated in dust, but the doublet could be seen as a mild shade of green. A small table next to it.
On the table was a small box, and an unused candle.

A rack of clothes hung against the far wall. Dresses, and suites.

Another small room went of the supposed bedroom, it had a brass bathtub, and a pile of folded towels.

"What is this place?" I ask running my fingers over the soft fabric of the dusty blanket.

"Otto had it built," The albino answered, "He really wanted the two of you to have a life together."
I bit my lip as a lump formed in my throat.

Gilbert walked the my side, lifting my chin, holding it between his forefinger, and thumb, "He really loved you."

"I loved him too." I mumbled quietly.

"I know." he said, looking into my tear eyes a moment more before releasing my chin.
My head fell instantly, my eyes locking onto the dirty floorboards.

It hurt.
My chest was so tight I feared it may crush my heart. The grief from all those years ago rose back to the surface.

The pain, the loneliness, the betrayal...
All those feelings I worked hard to forget.

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