Chapter Three

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"Bastards." Lovino hissed, clenching his fists tightly as I finished telling him about how bad my day had been, "you'd think they'd have some decency."

"I just want to go home, fratello." I say as I wiped my bloodshot eyes, "Back to Italy."

My older brother huffed, and leaned back in his chair. His dark brows were knitted together in frustration, it wasn't hard to see he was upset. He never hid his emotions well.

"I have half a mind to take you to my home," he says pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb, and index finger, "Old mister Roderick obviously doesn't know how to protect you."

As Lovino mentioned Mr. Edelstein I remembered the conversation we had earlier.

Plans change, Felicano.

"Fratello?" I say with a new found curiosity, "Do you think Mr. Edelstein has something planned for the party?"

"What do you mean, idiot brother." he rests his cheek on his hand, looking at me with  slight confusion.

"On the way here, he said he didn't think I'd be returning to Italy." I explain, "He said something about changing plans."
"Who knows," Lovino laughed quietly, "Probably just some stupid riddle of his to scare you into staying with him. Someone's gotta clean his house."


"Felicano?" A female says, "Is that you?"
I look over at a woman with long brown hair, and green eyes.
Her dress is as green as the Italian fields during mid summer, and the orange flower in her hair puts everything together perfectly.

"Miss Elizabeta?" I ask in disbelief.
"Oh, Feli!" she says as I stand up and give her a hug, "you look so grown up!"

"Its nice to see you again too, Miss Elizabeta!" I smile as she runs her hands through my auburn hair, her nails gently raking my scalp in a soothing way.

"Now, now" she playfully scolded, "No need for formalities, Just 'Elizabeta' is fine, dear."

I hum happily.

"Ciao, Elizabeta." Lovino greets from the table.
"Hello Lovino" she greets, "you look like you're doing well."
Lovino grins, "I am."

Elizabeta sits down with us at the lone table, oddly enough with no complaints from Lovino.
"It's so great to see you two again." she smiles happily, "I haven't seen the both of you at one time in years."

Romano returned her smile, he'd always like Elizabeta. She was like the mother we didn't have.
She would keep Mr. Edelstein from being too harsh on us, and she would always sneak us extra sweets after dinner.

"Romano," she says, "I'm quite surprised you came, no offense."
"None taken." he waves off her remark, "My stupid husband insisted I come for this 'big event' or some bullshit."
He used air quotes, emphasizing the sarcastic slur on it.

Elizabeta rolls her green eyes at his vulgar language.
I smile at the scene.
It made me feel much better to see something that reminded me of better times.

"Where is Antonio?" I ask, realizing that i haven't seen him at all since I arrived.
"Hell if I know," Lovino replies, "said he was going to talk to Able, and his sister Emma."

"I haven't seen them in ages," Elizabeta says, "I hope they're doing good."

"I hear Emma's getting married soon." Lovino says.

As the two talk I noticed moment from the corner of my eye, a flash of black, and gold.
My head shots to the side to catch the rustling of one of the bushes lining the patio area.

What was that?

I kept looking at the bush, feeling it tug at my soul. I feet like I had to go and find whatever was there.

What ever it was, I needed to find it.

But something made me want to stay.  Told me to brush it off, and turn back to the conversation.

"Hey," a hand grabbing mine. Startled me out of my trance.

"What?" I say startled, releasing a subtle yelp.

"Are you okay?" Elizabeta asks with concerned eyes, "you zoned out."
"Yeah-yeah," I lie, smiling at her, "I'm fine."

Lovino eyes me suspiciously as if calling me out on my lie.

"Im fine," I repeat, " Just a little out of it I guess. It's been a long day."
"Its hardly noon," Elizabeta says, "has it really been that bad?"

I nod, "Si."
"Oh, my poor Feli." she Coors, once again petting my head.
I let out a happy "ve", a habit I picked up as a kid.

"Jeez you're such a weirdo." Lovino huffs.
"Awe," I say, "but you love me anyway."
"Yeah, yeah."

Elizabeta laughed, "you two never change."

Ah, yes. We never do. And i hope we never will.
I like familiarity.

Another flash caught my attention, this one being much closer. I once again turned to try to see what it was.

I caught a better look this time. Black. A coat, maybe a cape.
But it was gone just as fast as before.

"Did you guys see that?" I ask, feeling panic rise on my chest.

The two followed my gaze, confused, and slightly alert.

"Something was in the bushes," I say, searching for the source of my panic.

"I don't think there's anything there.." Elizabeta says calmly.
"But I saw it-"
"Is probably just a rabbit or something." Lovino concludes, don't get your panties in a bunch."

Lovino shoots me a knowing look making me go fifty shades of red. He was the only one other than me, who still knew about the panty things back when I was still a kid.

I turned away from embarrassment, and Lovino snickered. Elizabeta gave us a confused glance, but brushed it off all the same.

After a few minutes of me calming my flustered face, and Lovino getting out his triumph. Elizabeta continued the conversation.

"You two still act like kids,' she sighed, "Its weird to think you guys are so grown up now."

"Felicano's not grown yet." Lovino teases, "he's still got one more day~"

"Oh!" Elizabeta exclaims, "What are you moving arrangements for tomorrow?"

"My arrangements?"

"Yes," she takes my hands, "One day is such a short time! I'm sure you and Ludwig have a house already, but I have-"

"Who the hell is Ludwig?" Lovino interrupts, seemingly upset.
"Ludwig?" I say, "Gilbert's brother?"
She nods.

"Why would I live with him?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"Roderick didn't tell you?" she asks, and I shake my head.
Lovino gives Elizabeta a demanding look.

She stares at me in confusion  before her emerald eyes go wide in realization, "You don't know?!"
"Know what?"

"Roderick, he arranged it." she says softly, "Tomorrow you and Ludwig are... getting married."

My heart drops.

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