Chapter Fourteen

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More walking. I hated walking. I couldn't recall having this much physical exercise since I was a child when I was running away from Otto.

I could feel the burn in my legs, and the sweat that made my clothes cling to my skin.

I can honestly say, I miss my old uncomfortable clothes. Granted they made daily tasks hard, it was better than dirty clothes stained in blood, and smelling like smoke.

It would have brought some comfort to me. Having the familiar scent of the weird smell of the candles Mr. Edelstein insisted on keeping in every room, or the smell of Elizabeta's perfume, or even the sea salt, and tomato smell of Lovino.

It's all sounded a million times better than the wet smell of fog, and the ash of this foreign land I found myself in.

I wiped my sweat soaked forehead with my sleeve, flinching back when I felt the sting of the healing cut that lingered there.

I hissed quietly pulling my arm away immediately. I cringed at the new, bright red satin that sat on the dirtied white fabric.

"Does it still hurt?" Gillen asked as he fell in step with me.

I nod, feeling my damp hair move stiffly, "Just a little bit."

Gillen gently touched the bandages, and I flinched. He smiled softly as an apology.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do much for it, when we get to the Queen's castle we can take you to the infirmary." He says quietly.

"Grazie, for doing your best." I tell him offering a bright smile, "How much longer do you think it will be?"

Gillen shrugs, "Two days if we keep moving, three if we stop to rest."

I nod, "Alright."

I stare ahead into the grey forest ahead. Oliver, and Roland walked in front, talking quietly.

The brink pink, and red of their clothes stood out against the surrounding area. All of our clothing did. I was thankful none of the guards from before were here, they would be able to see us from a mile away.

This group of misfits walking through hostile territory, working in a resistance, being wanted by roaylty because of some mysterious reason no one knows. What would Lovino think of it?

I smile to myself thinking of what kind of reaction he would have.

"Look at what you've fucking gotten yourself into now, stupid fratello! You've done and got yourself in a bunch of trouble! I blame the piano bastard for raising you bad!"

I could practically hear his angry voice, and see his scowl as his cheeks turned red. The concern in his hazel eyes as he scolded me for being careless.
I would apologize half-heartedly, and smile at him making him sigh.

I hear Gillen say something to me, snapping me from my thoughts. I blink, and smile at him, "Mi dispace, what was that?"

"I just asked what you were thinking about." He says shyly, "You were smiling fondly, it must be something nice."

My smile widened as a little bounce can to my step, "Si! I was thinking of my fratello, Lovino!"

"Fratello?" Gillen repeats a little unsure of the pronunciation. He didn't do too bad, but his accent messed it up a little.

"Si, fratello, brother." I explain while giving him a praise for doing well saying it.

"You have a brother?"

I nod, "Lovi is the best big brother ever!" I couldn't help but to become happier when thinking if him.

Gillen smiles too, "What's is he like?"

"He always has short temper, but he never stays angry at me for too long." I explain, "He really likes to use curses too."

I laugh a little, "When he got married his vows were 'I fucking love you, you stupid Spanish cunt'"

Gillen's face paints red as his mouth drops. I hear Allen snort from behind me, and Oliver turned around with such a force I'm surprised he kept his balance.

"You stow that potty talk this instant." He says with an stern look, pointing a finger at me.

"Mi dispace, Oliver," I say with an apologetic smile.

He huffs with a small smile as he turned around, "Apology excepted, as long as you don't do it again."

I smile, "My brother may not look like it, or act like it, but he really is a nice person. He just doesn't know how to show it."

Gillen nods, "I understand... My brother is the same way."

"Who's your brother?"

Gillen bites his lip, and looks away, "He's... Um... He's the Red King."

"Oh." Is all I could say.
Gillen was fighting against his brother this whole time. I don't see how anyone could do that. I wouldn't. Family isn't supposed to fight.

"Why... Why aren't you on his side? You are brothers after all." I ask softly as not to offend him.

"Because it's not his side." Gillen says, "It's the Queen's. He thinks he's doing the right thing because of love..."

"I see." I look at Gillen's sad blue eyes, and sunken form, and feel bad.

He loves his brother, but has to fight against him because it the right thing to do. It must be hard.

I put my arm around him, and pull him close to me. I lean my head against his, "When all of this is over, I'm sure you'll have your brother again."

He stays quiet for a bit, before putting an arm around me as well, and leaning into my embrace.

"I hope so."

We stay like that for sometime, walking side by side with an arm around the other. It a way I felt really comforting. Even if I haven't know him longer than a day, his presents makes me feel at ease.

The comforting embrace ended when Roland called for Gillen to come to him. Gillen left slowly, and excused himself to jog up to where the red head walked.

I sighed at the loss of warmth, but kept walking regardless. I was telling a bit more elated in terms of emotion. I felt a little more at ease with these people.

When all this is over, I hope to go home and tell Lovino everything. I'm sure he'd love to know about my adventures, he would certainly give me an ear full for hanging around a resistance.

I couldn't wait to tell Gilbert and Ludwig about Otto. They would be over joyed to know their brother is alive.

Elizabeta would glad I made friends, and Mr. Edelstein will probably scold me for being clumsy and ruining my expensive clothes.

I sigh longingly, wishing to hurry home to share these things with the people I care for most.

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