Chapter Twelve

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I found myself once again waking up in the cabin. Gillen ran his fingers through my hair, his leg bandaged and on a splint.
I laid in the bed, yet again, with my head on his lap.

We were the only ones inside right now, the others stepped out to talk about our next move. Roland promised to fill Gillen in so he could stay behind with me.

I felt kind of bad. No only had I gotten him hurt, I was making him miss out.

"You don't have to stay here." I tell him softly as his fingernails brush against my scalp.

"I don't mind." He replied back, "I like being able to help."

"You can help a lot more out there."

He laughs softly, "Right now, you're my main concern, just rest, Feli."

I hum a little and close my eyes, letting his pale finger coax me to sleep.


"Would you like some tea, Louis?" I ask in a mock British voice as I hold the pink stuffed bunny in my small, chubby hands.

The older, grey-purple bunny just slumped in his seat across from me.

"Oh, Louis!" I say, "You're so stubborn! Take some anyway."

I pour the 'tea' into the tiny porcelain cup from the tea pot.

"Feli~" a deep voice called as my bedroom door opened.
I turned my head to look over, and my lips spread into a smile.

"Nonno!" I drop my pink bunny to the floor and run over to my grandfather.
I hugged his legs, and he ruffled my hair with a laugh.

"Lookie what I got you, Feli." Nonno says as he kneels down in front of me.

He pulls a yarn doll from his pocket and shows it to me. Turning it over in his hands.
The doll was shaped like a person, just small, and without hands or feet. It had dark auburn hair that parted down the middle, a piece of the yarn had broke giving it a small curl like mine. It had tan skin, and two magenta beads as eyes.
It had on a red and black suit, that looked like something a prince would wear.

I took the doll out of Nonno's hands and observed it in awe.

"I saw it at the market today, and thought you'd like it." Nonno says with a smile, "Looks like you, don't you think?"

I nod and hug the doll close, "I love it! Grazie, nonno!"

Nonno took me into his arms, "I'm glad you like it!"

"What should I name him?" I ask as a play with the dark yarn hair.

"How about something Italian, since he looks like you."

I hum in thought, "How about..."


"L-Luciano..." I mumble.

I was jerked up suddenly, a cry of suprise leaving my lips. Someone held tightly to my shirt collar, and I grabbed their wrists so it wouldn't rip my shirt.
I stare up into violet eyes fearfully, as the blonde male glares at me.

"How the hell do you know him?!" Matt hisses.

"Wh-what do you m-mean?"

"Luciano!" He hissed, some spit spraying as he speaks loudly, "How the hell do you know Luciano!"

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