Chapter Eight

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~Otto ~

I had my arm around Feliciano's with my hand rubbing softly on his shoulder, my other hand resting on his hip.

His muscles were tense, and he watched everyone in the room with cautious, amber eyes.
He was trying his best to look like he wasn't afraid, but his smile was too fake, too forced.

He was terrified.

It made sense.

He woke up in a place he had never seen, in a bed that wasn't his, surrounded by people he didn't know.

Of course he was scared.

Feliciano clung tight to me, his fists closed tightly around my shirt. His tan skin lightly shown with sweat, his breath uneven, but quiet.

The bandages wrapped around his head had been dampened by sweat, and just slightly by the little bit of blood that had seeped through.

They needed changed.

I had let him fall a bit hard, hadn't I?

I only meant for him to fall into the fountain, I would have pushed him if necessary.
I didn't think he'd hit his head.

It gave me quite the scare when I saw the blood, and when he wouldn't wake up.
I didn't think he could be so pale, and so still.

Luckily, Gillen was great at fixing people up, and he's on my side.

Gillen seemed to have noticed the bandages too, and the fact the needed changed.
As he made a move to reach toward Feliciano, only for his pale hand to be slapped away.

Felicano had been the one to do it, along with squeaking in surprise, and fear.

Gillen had instantly retracted his hand, pressing it to his chest.

"I'm sorry," Feliciano said to the silver haired male, "Mi dispiace, you just startled me."

Gillen gave me a side ways glance, and I nodded. Gillen wasn't one to talk much. He was selectively mute, and only spoke when he deemed necessary.

It had thrown me off at first, but over time I was able to read his looks as well as I could understand his voice.

Calm him down. He seemed to say.

"Feli," I say to the light auburn male at my side, "Gillen is our main medic. He's the one that doctored you while you were asleep. He's going to change your bandages and check your head, alright?"

Feliciano looked at me, then briefly at Gillen, then back to me.

"You can trust him." I assure.
He slowly nods, and I give Gillen the okay to continue.

Gillen once again reached for Feliciano, this time succeeding in tending to the bandages.

"Otto," Roland says, crossing his right leg over his left, his tight black pants stretching over his long legs, "We don't have much time left."

"I know." I say back, "but we need to be patient with Feliciano, he's fragile."

"Fragile or not, we're on a time crunch."
"Patience." I persist.
"Time does not have patience."

Our eyes lock challengingly. My bright blue eyes locking with his electric green ones.

"I'm not fragile." a soft voice said, breaking the hard stare me and Roland had.
We turned to Feliciano.

He had tears in his eyes, as Gillen cleaned the nasty looking cut on the right side of his forehead. It stretched in a ragged line from his hairline to just passed his eyebrow, it would definitely scar. He gripped the sheets, obviously in pain.

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