Chapter Five

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There was so many loud voices, so many accents.
Italian, Austrian, German, Hungarian...

It was overwhelming.

All day I've been faced with voices. Voices of people I know, and of those who I don't.
And with five angry voices, and my cries and pleads to stop fighting echoing off the glass walls of the small greenhouse, its all starting to make my brain throb with pain.
Causing my ears to ring, and a migraine the blossom behind my eyes.

My attempts to calm the group of tempered people fell short.
No surprise there.

I sat in my chair, once again trying to make myself smaller. My hands covered my ears in an attempt to block out the chaos.

"smettere..." I mumbled to the others, though I doubt they heard it at all, "smettere di combattere.."
I could feel the hot tears slide from my eyes, half landing in the dirt floor of the greenhouse, the other half landing on my boots.
"smettere..." I sniff.

"That's enough!" cried Ludwig loudly, his voice silencing everyone in the circle. I flinched upon the sudden outburst, the loudness of it sending a fresh spike of icy pain into my brain.

"Can't you see your upset..uh.. him." Ludwig stumbled over his sentence, which made me realize he didn't even know my name.

And I'm supposed to marry him...

I could feel everyone's gaze land on me, and I looked up to confirm my suspicions to be correct.
Pairs of green, hazel, purple, red and blue all watch my shaking form.
I sniffed, wiping my eyes, suddenly feeling embarrassed by my breakdown.

"I'm sorry, Feli." Elizabeta said softly, "I didn't realize you were so upset."
"What's new?" Mr. Edelstein remarked earning a nice punch in the shoulder from Elizabeta.
I give her a small smile and wiped my eyes on my sleeve.

Gilbert suddenly perked up, "Hey Ludwig," he stood from his chair placing a hand on his brothers shoulder, "why do you take little Felicano here, and go for a walk while us three discuss the wedding!"

Elizabeta, and Lovino gave the albino a set of glares, but Gilbert didn't seem to mind. He just continued giving a wide grin as he waited for his brother's reply.

"I don't know.." was the answer he got.

"It isn't bad idea," Mr. Edelstein added, "I think a distraction would be good for the boy, he's clearly upset about the whole ordeal."

Ludwig looked at me, and I looked away. My face was flushed from crying, and partial embarrassment.
I could feel the weight of his stare on me. It made me feel weak.

He sighed, "okay."

My muscles tensed as I looked up at him again.
I had already gone a walk with one Beilschmit today, and it didn't exactly go down a favorable path.

"Lets got then." he orders walking to the greenhouse door.

Normally, I wouldn't have followed, especially with the what happened this morning with Gilbert.
But that tone in his voice, that sternness, and power, it rattled my fragile bravery. Assuming I had any at all that is.

I follow behind him at a probably irrationally long distance, at least five feet. The whole time I keep my head down, eyes trained on my feet.

Lovino flowed after us quickly, stopping us just outside the door.
"Listen, and listen closely." he warns the blonde German as he steps infront of me protectively.
I can smell the sea salt on his clothes, more that likely from living so close to the ocean.

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