Chapter 1: The Day before the Missing

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Maori words  Kaumatua=  Male Maori Elder    Tupuna = Ancestor   Kuia- Female Maori Elder

In another time it would have happened differently. Where are the prophets of this generation? The teachers? The ones who walk the earth? People learn from television, newspapers and the Internet. What good is a global satellite to a lost soul?

Moana stood in a power stance, her green eyes narrowed into slits, her black glossy hair fell in waves reaching halfway down her back. She shook her head and her hair curled around her face like a cobra entranced by a snake charmer. She laughed in her best imitation of a film villain, "Mwah ha ha ha" and winked at her young daughter Ezzy. The girl's face lit up. Moana pointed the PlayStation microphone like the trigger for a nuclear bomb and revealed her secret weapon: a blonde wig from under the green sofa, which she thrust upon her head.

She launched into song, gyrating her hips and wiggling her butt furiously. Her audience went wild, clapping and stamping their feet. Her husband Max lunged for her, but she batted him back onto the sofa. Ezzy leaped up, stole the wig off her head, and jumped up and down with excitement. Moana handed over the PlayStation microphone and relinquished her 'stage' mid center of the faded red floor rug.

Ezzy did a series of twirls and leg kicks and leaped in the air like a ninja butterfly with attitude. Her voice was light, sharp and yet harmonious-like a bird. Moana's heart thrilled at the sound of it. Ezzy's face shone, she loved performing.

Moana's Ancestors- her Tupuna- watched and shook their heads in frustration, time did not exist in their dimension.They could travel back and forth at will, within the divine parameters. This enabled them to see the signs and read the patterns present in their world before it manifested above. They wanted to warn Moana, but she left no space in her consciousness for them to enter. They watched, waiting.

The song ended and Max chased his daughter around the rug. He grabbed the blonde wig from his daughter, threw it atop his brown hair and pranced around the lounge. He patted the blonde hair down each side and pushed out his lips, hoping to look like a cross between Britney Spears and Mick Jagger. He stuck out his bottom and placed one hand on his hip. His dancing was like an ostrich stuck in a small cage trying to escape: head and bum shaking in opposite directions. Moana and Ezzy laughed so hard they cried. They begged him to stop, but he danced on mercilessly until their sides ached. Finally the song finished, and he threw himself onto the sofa, squashing them underneath him. They yelled in protest and together pushed him off and onto the floor.

When they were all done, Moana put the Playstation microphone away in the TV cabinet and Max picked up the TV remote and flicked through the channels. A mindless parade of reality shows was on offer. Who can find the most outrageous people who don't get on together and make them do stuff they don't really want to do? A strange thought entered Moana's mind-perhaps they are imitating God- Moana returned to the dining room and finished clearing the table.

The Tupuna blew the newspaper from the edge of the old oak table and it fell to the floor. It's pages flipped over then stopped. In the old days, they would have visited her as an Owl or a Tui to convey their message.


Moana bent down to pick up the newspaper. An advertisement in bold green caught her eye.

"PUBLIC MEETING ON THE PROPOSED USE OF GENETIC ENGINEERING & DNA EXPERIMENTATION IN NEW ZEALAND.Submissions regarding the proposed law changes to allow greater use of these controversial practices in New Zealand, are to be heard by the Government appointed commission.

There will be submissions by local Maori, Church groups, eco-spiritualists and other concerned citizens tonight. The inner city community are invited to attend at the Grey Lynn Community Center tonight at 7.30pm. Ensure your voice is heard.

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