Chapter 16: Transformations

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An uncomfortable wind whistled through the darkness. It whipped Moana with a rawness that made her mouth rasp as they entered further into the bowels of the mountain. Moana's eyes became accustomed to the harsh grey light and she could make out the outlines of trees.  Soon she stood before them. Their black skinny bare spiky branches poking straight out of the damp dark grey dirt. No leaves, no foliage. Not even a memory of them. It was a world of black and grey winter.

             Moana shivered. Her lips were a little blue and her hands stiff and hard from the cold. She looked at the man beside her- he was unaffected. 

            "Where are the humoths? It was full of them before. Have they gone somewhere else? We've been walking for hours."  She said

            "Ready to give up?"


            "Keep walking then."

"I can't. I'm freezing. If I could just get warm, then maybe. Maybe this was a mistake. " Moana was trembling, her legs shaking. "Why aren't you cold?"

 He reached in his bag and pulled out a soft leather roll and unfurled it onto the floor.       "Would you like me to warm you up?"

Moana nodded her head.

"Say Please." He said.

 "Please." She answered.

"Lie down."

 Moana felt the roll with her hand it was soft and warm as concrete in the sun. She rubbed her cold face into its folds and the colour returned to her cheeks.  She stretched out so every piece of her body was in contact with it. The stiffness flowed out of her body. The air crackled.  His face broke into a wide grin as he watched her sprawled before him in her flimsy gown.

 "Your wish is my command." He murmured. He threw off his tunic, slid his naked body beside her, reached over and pulled her gown off over her head. His hands were soft and warm, passing over her naked skin. All her senses were heightened as warm currents went coursing through her body. His gentle fingertips lingering teasingly for a moment upon the soft silky skin of her inner thighs. Heat inflamed her from within.  His touch so exquisite, she did not utter a sound, for fear she might break the spell. His hands and lips reigned, dancing delightful sensations upon her. When she thought she could contain herself no longer, they darted up inside her wetness.

Moana gasped, as currents of intense heat and pleasure simultaneously flowed through her body awakening all of her senses. Sexual energy crackled audibly in the air as he pulled himself on top of her. His body was strong and warm. He looked deep into her eyes and smiled.

     Moana could feel his hardness and her desire intensifying. He parted her legs wider watching her every reaction. He stroked her flames of desire, yet, still he did not enter her. She felt his hardness between them. He moved his face close to hers, stopping a bare centimetre away from her, listening to her rapid breathing. His green eyes reached right into the depths of her being, unleashing a stirring from deep within her soul. He smiled as he saw it. His breath smelt of summer fields and ripe sweet fruits. His eyes still locked on hers he slid his mouth to her breast and cupped it with one hand delicately teasing it with his tongue.

 Moana's body arched in the air. Still he did not enter her. She pulled him closer, as the blood raced through her veins and rocked herself against him, her rhythm faster and faster, matching the sound of her breathing, as she could no longer contain her response.

"Now." She says whispering into his ear, her mouth tasting the golden heat from his skin, her tongue licking the side of his neck.

 He propped himself up on his elbows. His eyes searching her face, drinking in her desire for him. He sighed with reluctance.

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