Chapter 15: The Humoths

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Chapter 15 The Humoths

 Goosebumps awoke Moana to the cold surroundings. She didn’t know how long she had been here. She didn’t know where she was, or where she came from. Her hair was dirty, her skin going grey. She lay in a pile of humoths huddled together in the darkness. A black void of light. Sharp pains dotted her body. Moana kept her mind blank, hiding. She slowly stood up her breathing fast and ragged. 

She slowed her breathing and closed her eyes summoning her strength. When she opened them the female humoth was staring back into her eyes, and reached her hand towards her breasts. Moana hit them away. The humoth lunged on top of her but Moana stood her ground pushing her away. Moana shook her head

“ No” she shouted, smacking the Humoths’ persistent hands away from her body again. She knew she had to keep the Mothwoman’s mouth away from her. To stop her filling her mouth with the desire filled nectar from the proboscis. A struggle ensued and they fell to the ground.

            Immediately they were surrounded by a group of humoths. Another female jumped in trying to grab Moana’s flailing arms but couldn’t. They weren’t used to such resistance. The other Humoths moved closer watching intently.

             Moana kicked and pushed, her arms and legs flailing in all directions, somehow knowing that as long as they did not manage to kiss her she would remain clear headed. She felt a strength surge through her body. An image of a white light in a tunnel, pure love, flashed in her mind. Moana stopped stunned by the vision. The Humoth saw her hesitation and was straight upon her. Hands creeping between her thighs. Lips came closer, the Probosicus protruding. Moana looked deep into the creatures’ eyes and saw an image in light crowded by grey. She took a deep breath and as the humoths mouth descended upon hers she blew the image of light she had in her mind into the mouth. She saw the greyness disappear, replaced by an image of a beautiful young woman. A young woman playing with her children, cuddling them, laughing in the sunshine, lying on the ground watching the clouds go by. Their every smile bringing a thrill and joy to their Mothers heart.

     The Humoth jumped up. The black eyes fell off. The moss split down the middle and peeled away, sliding to a heap on the ground. The barbed wire melted and fell from the antenna, as tears fell from her eyes. Before Moana now stood a beautiful regal figure of a woman smiling and crying at the same time. She hugged Moana to her as she wept and whispered-

          “Thank you. I never thought that I would feel like this again. I had forgotten who I was. If I can do anything for you at any time, I will. Nothing is too much. Nothing. You understand.”

        Moana was not sure what had just happened and looking down at her feet, she saw the stitching was still there but now they were joined together by small threads that moved and flexed and stretched as they moved, then they disappeared.. Moana bent down to touch the threads. They felt alive, pulsing. Moana looked up at the lady before her

             “What do those threads do?”

              “I do not know. I do know that they are there because we are linked together in some way. Our lives are so close that we are joined together on a similar path. I remember it from somewhere. I must have learnt that once. Before.”

          “So how did you end up here?” Moana asked

         “You should be asking yourself how you ended up here.”

The air filled with beating wings as the humoths flew away- going further into the distance.

             All frames of reference to this world were nowhere to be found within her mind. She knew she had to keep going, for some reason. There must be a purpose in all this. She flushed at the thought of the strange sexual sensations she had experienced- the memories of them still inside her. Whilst filled with desire- they were tinged with a darkness. A darkness from within her. A  darkness hidden. A guilt remembered.  As Moana explored the feeling an image floated into her mind.

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