Chapter 10: Marama and the Tohunga

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“We had better hurry, before Uncle Misses us. I hope it doesn’t take too long. We’re going to meet a real Tohunga-just like in all those old stories Nana told us. I hope he doesn’t turn us into a rock or something. Do you think they really did stuff like that?” Marcus ignored Ezzy and pulled the map from the bag and studied it.

. “Okay it’s just up there.” He pointed through the ferns up the side of the hill.

“We’re not supposed to leave the path, Mum always says that.” Don’t leave the path in the bush. That’s how people get lost”

            Marcus dug in his bag, “I’ve got these.” He had taken the toy flags from his army game, and bought them with him. Correct planning was essential for all missions.  He dug the first one in the ground. The little flag waved valiantly back and forth in the breeze. Its appearance was military and it looked kind of strong and sturdy. They could only hope it would be able to perform its task. It was just so small.

Ezzy looked at him doubtfully, but what else could they do. They had to be quick.

“I suppose it is better than using food - like Hansel and Gretel did. Like how stupid were they?” Ezzy followed Marcus away from the track.

They used the branches of the ti-tree and vines and roots growing around the base of trees to help pull themselves up the slope. They puffed as they climbed upwards. Every now and then Marcus would place another flag. The further they got, the forest grew thicker -the undergrowth dense green and abundant.

Marcus now stuck the flags in trunks of trees as they could not be seen amongst the undergrowth. There was more and more movement around them. Creatures of the bush were about. When they started they had spotted only the odd bird, a Tui  here, a fantail there. Now they were everywhere. Plump woodpigeons sat high above and Kakariki-parakeets. Wetas clung in the dark damp spots. Marcus thought he even heard a wild pig snuffling through the undergrowth.

“Crikey - look at all the birds. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s like the zoo." Ezzy’s eyes were darting everywhere following the magnificent displays of colour and her ears thrilled to the different sounds that they made. It was as if they were calling to each other as they went by. She imagined what they were saying.

 “What do those two want? Should we talk to them, or not? Let’s fly closer and have another look…Are they lost?”

They passed a stream, running alongside them down the hill, weaving in and out of the earth through little tunnels causing small cascades over little ledges. In some spots it formed pools –clear and melodious, it’s tinkling providing the perfect backdrop to the orchestra of insects accompanied by the song of the birds. Ezzy whistled a little tune, melding with the sounds of nature. Providing an extra harmony. Another dimension.

 As they got closer to the top, a group of fantails-Piwaiwakas appeared, their beautiful tail feathers fanning out as they chattered and swooped upon the pair .The birds danced around in the air just out of reach. Ezzy held out her hand hoping one of them might land upon it.

“They are so cute.”

Marcus and Ezzy stood still their eyes following the little birds beautiful dance in the air before them. Marcus pulled out the map.

“What do you think they are saying-? Imagine if we could understand them. Wouldn’t that be cool?”  Ezzy pretended she had a tail like the fantail- shaking her butt, in anything but a graceful manner. Marcus looked up and giggled at her dance.

“His camp should be right here.” He pointed in front of him.


“Right here.” Marcus scratched his head.

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