Chapter 3: Missing

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It was 2pm and Moana lay upon the blue cushioned window seat, looking out at the garden and contemplating her vision. What did it mean? How would it affect her life? The phone rang, its harsh tone cut into her thoughts like a hacksaw.

"I'll get it." Max walked over and picked up the receiver. "Hello. Sam, what is it? Where... You're serious... Okay." All the colour and life drained out of his face, sucked out as if an invisible vampire was attached to his neck.

"What is it? Max? What is it? Is Ezzy alright?" A shiver ran up her spine.

"I'll be there in 15 minutes." He hung up, sat down next to Moana and took a deep breath.

"Ezzy and Marcus have gone missing. It was only a couple of hours ago. The ranger is starting a search. I'll go there now and help."

"The Ranger? Where?" The bottom fell out of Moana's world. A sick, paralysing, force clutched her so hard she could hardly breathe. She focused on Max to steady herself.

"The bush reserve at Huia. Sam took them up there to go hiking. They went off to the restrooms and didn't come back. He's there now." Max rubbed her shoulders. "Don't panic, I'll call you when we're on our way home."

"I'll come too." Moana grabbed her bag.

"Stay here, in case the kids turn up somewhere and ring home. The ranger said to call all our friends and family. Tell them we might need their help tomorrow. I'll go to Huia now and you stay and make the calls. Get as many people together as you can." Max took both her hands in his. "It'll be okay." His face was confident, his voice calm. "I'm sure we'll find them tonight and I'll be back before you know it." He grabbed his jacket and keys. "I'll call you as soon as we find them. They won't have gone far." He opened the door, then turned back to her.

"We'll find them, don't worry." The door slammed.

Moana called everyone she knew and asked them to call everyone they knew. As she paced the room, her eyes glistened with tears she could not shed. The fear in her heart froze them before they could leave her eyes. She ran her fingers through the coils of her hair solely for the sensation, somehow it stopped the numbness spreading through her body. Her legs jiggled and wouldn't keep still.

Time no longer moved in its normal pattern. Moana's eyes kept moving to the clock on the wall. The clock was too slow. Moana took it down and shook it – was it working? Her watch had the same problem. She watched every second of the minute, every minute of the hour, hour after hour.

Moana sat down on the couch, text Max, then called him two seconds later. No reply. He must be out of range. Damn. Beside her lay Ezzy's favourite pillow, it was frayed with pieces of thread sticking out. She rubbed it against her cheek again and again, a connection of some kind was better than none. A continuous prayer ran through her head, to everything and everyone she could think of; God, angels, ancestors, Hindu gods, saints, Buddha. She lit candles and prayed some more. There she sat as the coldness crept into her body throughout the long unending night. Moana eyed the phone. Had they been kidnapped?

When her husband came home the next morning, alone, she was still there rocking back and forth. His face wore a thin veil of courage, hiding the despair of defeat.

"Where are they..." Moana's eyes flew to the door, but Max closed it behind him.

"We didn't find them. Didn't find anything so far. Maybe they're holed up somewhere to keep warm overnight." Max ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm sure we'll find them today. It'll be easier in the daylight." But his eyes did not meet hers.

He went into Ezzy's bedroom, Moana trailing behind him and stopped just inside the bright pink room, taking a deep breath. On the desk next to the window, her smiling face looked out from a photo taken at Waiheke beach. Distress flashed across his face and he fought to rein it in. Gently he reached out, picked up the photograph and put it into the inside pocket of his jacket, next to his heart. He rubbed the spot where it lay softly.

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