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Author's Note: I said it in the opening chapter, but it's like I said... be warned.

Willow's POV

I knock one more time before using my key into the Summers home.

I don't like using the key but Joyce said I should have one in case. She didn't say what that case might be but I wasn't about argue, with the kind of things that happen to we in the Scooby gang, it might be anything.

Tara follows me in.

"Are... are you sure about this?"

"It'll be fine, Joyce gave me a key remember?"

"You k-know what I..."

All of the sudden she stops and gets this weird look on her face.

"What is it Tara?"

"I don't know, I have this feeling like... I don't know."

I go a little further into the house and I see Joyce lying on the couch.


She stirs a bit and wakes up from her slumber.

"Joyce, are you okay?"

I sit beside her on the couch as she sits up, shaking the cobwebs out of her head.

"Yes I'm... I'm fine. I guess I must have dozed off there for a second. What are you girls doing here? I thought you were having your meeting with Xander, Anya and Giles."

"We were... I mean, we did. It's over. We came to take over Faith watch so you could get some sleep. I guess you got a little ahead of us."

"I guess so."

She gets up and starts to the kitchen.

"Well let me make you girls some sandwiches or something before I let you take over."

Tara and I follow Joyce into the kitchen as she starts fidgeting around.

"You don't have to do that Joyce. I'm sure we can make something ourselves if we get hungry."


"It's no problem Willow. I'd be happy to do it."


"Just a second Tara, it's not necessary Mrs. Summers."


"I've told you before Willow, you can call me Joyce."

"Something's w-wrong."


I turn to Tara.

"What do you mean baby? What could be wrong?"

"I-I don't know I just..."

"Where's my knife?"


Joyce is looking around the counter.

"Your knife?"

"My favorite knife is missing."

Why would a knife be missing? And what does it have to do with Tara's bad feeling? I... OH MY GOD!


I run out of the kitchen at full speed and I'm half way up the stairs as Tara and Joyce hit the bottom of the stairs. I reach Faith's door and start knocking on it feverishly.


What is she...?

"Faith whatever it is we can talk about it."

She Who Was My Love (girlxgirl) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now