Love in Faith

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Faith's POV


The sound of a heart rate monitor beeping away wakes me up. I groan and stir as I open my eyes.

Where am I? I think... I'm in a hospital room, lying in the bed. Someone's with me.



"No Faith it's me, Joyce."

I look over at her sitting next to the bed and my shoulder feels like someone's sticking needles in it. I grab my left shoulder with my right hand and feel the bandages on it. I immediately look down at the bandaged shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

The wounds sting a little as I touch them through the red spotted bandages.

"I'm alive, apparently."

I have to see her.

"Where's Buffy?"

She doesn't answer until I look at her.

"Faith, you have to stay calm."

People only say that when there's something to get upset about.

"Where is she?"

"Faith if you don't calm down you might hurt yourself."

I clutch my shoulder to brace myself for the pain of sitting up. My head spins a bit as I do and it makes it hard to think.

"What happened?"

Didn't Buffy make it?

"She... she escaped right? Buffy's strong she... she escaped... right?"

She stands up and puts her hand out to me.

"Faith I'll tell you I just need you to calm, down. I couldn't handle losing both of you..."


"Both... oh my, god..."

The spinning gets worse and I fall back on the bed.

"She... she's... is she...?"

"No... I don't know... I don't think she is but... Rupert told me she was, taken by the snake demon so, we can't know for sure."

I force myself to sit up again to get out of bed.

"I... have to find her I..."

"Faith for god sake please..."

She stands up to block my path.

"Lie back on the bed. If you don't rest, you are going to do serious damage to yourself. You could die."


"Are you really going to risk your life AND Buffy's on the slim chance that you might save her in your condition?"

She would do it for me. Hell she DID do it for me.

I look Joyce right in the eyes.



After a few seconds, I sit down on the bed and lie back, reducing the throbbing pain in my upper body.

"Giles had Xander go with Anya to speak with some of her old demon friends in case they know anything about this woman Buffy fought."

"So it WAS her then?"

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