Blood Lies

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Author's Note: This is another one of those situations which gets... tricky. Both this chapter and the next one. Genuinely curious to know what people think.

Dawn's POV

They should've told me.

I wipe the tears from my eyes before starting to climb up the side of the house to my bedroom window.

They should've told me but they didn't. How could they not tell me? They should've told me I wasn't real. That I was just some key the monks made into a pathetic little girl. Why didn't they tell me I wasn't real? Didn't they want me to know? Don't I deserve to know?

I look up at my window as I get about half way up and I have to wipe the tears from my eyes again.

Of course not, I'm just a stupid key. I don't really matter. I'm not worth...

My hand slips and I nearly drop the knife in it, and obviously almost fall too. I start to climb the rest of the way up.

It's almost a shame I didn't fall, at least that would've taught them a lesson. They would've found me lying on the ground, every bone in my body broken, probably dead. That would teach them to keep something like this from me.

I reach the top and climb in my window to my fake room.

That would make them sorry they ever lied to me.

As soon as I'm inside I head straight for the door and then the stairs, knife in hand.

They're gonna wish they never did this to me.

I stop just inside the living room and I see them sitting there like everything's fine. Every part of me feels like screaming.

"How could you not tell me?"

The three of them look at me and I just really want to hurt them.



"You didn't think I was important enough? Is that it? I guess since I'm not real then I don't really matter do I?"

They get up to face me.

"Dawn, what are you talking about?"

I point the knife at Buffy.

"DON'T! Don't play stupid! You've been playing stupid all along, trying to make me think there was nothing going on. But there was something going on, and I knew there was something but you wouldn't tell me. You can't keep it from me anymore. None of you can, because I know now. I know the truth and you can't do anything about it. I know that I'm just a stupid key and my feelings don't really matter."

"That's not true."

"It is. It is true because if I was real then you would've told me the truth. You never would've lied to me."

Faith steps forward and I shove the knife at her, making her back off.

"Dawn, just put down the knife and we can talk about this."

I look down at the knife in my hand.

"Why? It's not like anything I do will ever matter."

I step forward and swing the knife, cutting the air.

"How do you even know I'm really holding it? Maybe you just think I am because it's what the monks want you to think. Did you think of that? I could do anything with this knife and it wouldn't really matter because nothing I do really matters."

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