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Author's Note: Things are about to ramp up towards the finale. What do you want to see happen by the end? Particularly given how it ended in the show?

Faith's POV

She's gotta be okay, oh god she's gotta be okay.

I look to my right at Joyce and Buffy sitting next to me in the hospital hallway.

She has to be all right. I love her so much. I love her just as much as I love Buffy, maybe more, I can't lose her. She's, she's family... real family. The kind of family I've never really known before. Then again I've never really thought about the idea of having a daughter, not until Buffy told me the truth about her sister. Dawn doesn't see us as her parents though, she wouldn't have reacted the way she did if she felt that way about us.

I let my head drop into my hands.

She may never look at us that way. We just have to give her the time to come to terms with this, maybe even accept it, like Joyce said... and hope. We can't force her to be okay with this. We can't force her to love us the way we want her to love us. I'd be happy if she just learned to accept that even though she's this key thing it still feels like she's been with us since day one, and that's all that matters.

I let out a deep sigh.

I just wish they'd let us see her.

"You okay there honey?"

I comb my fingers through my hair before looking over at B and her loving concern.

"Yeah, I think so I just, wish they'd let us see her. I need to see her to know she's okay."

"I know Faith, I know. It's killing me that the doctors won't tell us anything."

I feel Joyce's comforting hand against my back.

"Child services probably told the doctors not to say anything until they spoke with Dawn themselves. They want to make sure that the reason she did this is because we haven't abused her in any way."

God, child services... that was not fun...

"They're not going to take Dawn away are they?"

"I don't know Buffy. If they decide that what Dawn did is somehow our fault, then maybe, but it was Dawn's decision to do what she did and they have to take that into consideration."

I take a deep breath.

"It is our fault. We should've been more honest with her about... who she really is, where she really came from."

"There's no way we could've known she would've gone as far as she did to find the truth, or what she did after she found out. All we can do now is try and deal with the consequences."

Consequences like Dawn hating us for the rest of her life.

My hands run themselves through my hair, gripping the back of my neck.

"Some parents we turned out to be eh? She's been with us for all of three months and already we've driven her to trying to kill herself."


"I don't know, maybe child services should take her from us. At least they couldn't screw her up any worse than we have. Not to mention they could keep her off Glory's radar."

"They wouldn't even know where to begin to help her."

"And we do? Just waiting and seeing might not work. She could hate us for the rest of her life, she could do something worse."

She Who Was My Love (girlxgirl) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now