For the Love of...

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Faith's POV

It all comes down to this, this one moment, this one fight. I feel like everything is riding on what happens in the next few minutes, and it is, because Dawn is in the balance. Dawn's life depends on everything we're about to do. Giles said the ritual involves spilling Dawn's blood into a specific place, at a specific time, and if it does then the whole universe is thrown into chaos. We have to keep that from happening. Not only would it destroy the world, but it would cost us everyone and everything we care about.

I look over at B. She glances at me for a split second as we go full steam to our destination. She's carrying a one handed axe on her back and a short sword on her belt. I've got a long sword on my back and the knife Wilkins gave me on my belt.

Dawn connects us. We've connected on many levels, physically, emotionally, mentally. But Dawn connects us in a way we've never known before... through her. I'm connected to Buffy through Dawn, and Buffy's connected to me through Dawn. Dawn's connected to us the same way. It's the kind of thing that goes beyond love, and we may lose it all if we can't win this... if Glory opens the portal.

B stops and I stop with her. Before I can ask what she stopped for, I follow her line of sight to a giant tower standing over 100 feet high in the middle of a construction site.

"I guess we came to the right place eh B?"

"Yeah, Giles did say the ritual would probably happen somewhere up high, I guess that's where it happens."

I look around the general area.

"Dawn and Glory must be close by. She'd want to keep our daughter close for when..."


Buffy and I immediately look each other in the eyes and have the same thought.



We both look to the edge of the wall in front of us and jump, grabbing it and pulling ourselves up to survey the scene. A number of Glory's demon minions are dragging Dawn, fighting for everything she's got, toward the tower's stairway.


B jumps down into the construction site and makes a bee line for Dawn. I jump down and follow her, looking for Glory. Buffy grabs one of the minions and pulls them off Dawn, tossing him 10 feet.


Before I can get there, B goes flying and I stop in my tracks at the sight of Glory now standing between me and Dawn. Dawn looks right at me with a look of fearful hope. I try and tell her with my eyes that everything's gonna be all right. I take up a fighting stance as I see Buffy get up out of the corner of my eye.

"You okay B?"

"Yeah... what the hell was that? Foreplay?"

I chuckle at B's comment.

"Well she did say she wanted a threesome, maybe we should've accepted."

B comes up and stands beside me in her own fighting stance. Glory scoffs at us before barking orders at her minions.

"Take the kid up to the ritual point and start the ritual when it's time. I'll be there after killing the slayers."

"Yes Glory!"

They start to pull her along again and Dawn tries to fight back even harder than before, doing anything she can against the five stronger minions.


She Who Was My Love (girlxgirl) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now