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Glory's POV

What the hell is wrong with these god damn humans? I've been torturing this god damn sack of crap forever... well, several hours anyway, and still I've gotten nothing out of her. God damn humans are so god damn annoying. Why can't I just get what I want? All this stupid little slayer bitch has to do is give me the key. But no, she has to try and be all pathetically super-heroey and try to live long enough for another sack of crap to come rescue this one.

I really hate humans. Why can't they ever do anything the easy way? It would be so easy for them. All they have to do is give me my perfect little key and then I wouldn't have to lower myself to torturing this slayer. Most humans would've given up by now, but what I don't know is why. Why would the slayer protect the key this badly... unless she cared for it?

Humans are always doing that I'm told, protecting things that matter to them. But what could my key have been pressed into that could make her want to protect it so much? Some sort of mongrel maybe? Humans love to keep mangy little things as pets. No, I think she would've given up by now if it was just a stupid pet. I've done pretty much every non-lethal torture to this girl here, aside from letting my minions have their way with her, whatever the monks put my key into it must be pretty damn important to her.

What if... what if they gave my key its own little flesh and bone wrapper? Humans will tend to protect each other if they spend enough time together. Those damn monks, they're smart for humans.

I walk over to my happy little hostage and kick her in the shin to get its attention.

"Hey, slayer..."

All of the sudden I start to hear fighting somewhere in my house.

What the hell? How exactly did someone get past my snakey-wakey?

There are all sorts of crashing and screaming noises from my minions and it keeps getting louder.

Useless, every last one of them is completely useless.

I can hear them right outside.

"P-please... don't hurt me..."


I hear a crash and I just know the moron told them. I grab my captive by the hair and look right in her eyes.

"What is it?"

A smile creeps out from under the pain on the slayer's face.


What? Faith?

Next thing I know I turn and there's some brunette chick standing in the doorway.

"Let her go."

She doesn't actually think she's gonna give me orders does she?

"And if I don't?"

"Then I'm gonna kill you and take her anyway."

Wow, such a big threat from a tiny human. It's almost like she thinks she's a slayer.

I let go of my hostage's hair and cross my arms over my rather impressive chest to face the invader of my home.

"Really? So if I give you the girl then you won't kill me?"

"Actually I'm probably gonna kill you either way so you might as well just give up."

Oh how fun, maybe I should torture this one too, just for the hell of it.

She Who Was My Love (girlxgirl) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now