A Lazy Kind of Morning

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Dawn's POV

I stretch out in bed as I slip back into consciousness.

Mmm, what time is it? 7:30... wow I actually almost got 4 and a half hours sleep. I'm surprised I got that much with the way they were going at it. Well, that was last night and this is today. I better get down to breakfast before I gotta get to school.

I get up and put on some new clothes. I walk out of my room and head downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and the giggling and whispering make me wish I was deaf. Then I see Faith and my sister kissing and groping each other against the breakfast bar and I suddenly wish I was blind too. Faith grabs my sister's ass and I gag on my own bile.

"Do you HAVE to do that?"

Faith looks up at me from her little love fest... eww.

"Hey kid..."

I roll my eyes at them.

"I'm not a kid."

Buffy starts sucking on Faith's neck and I think I'm gonna hurl.

"Right, right... so what's up?"

I sit down on the far side of the table, away from them. Mom puts a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me.

"My breakfast... assuming you can keep your hands off each other long enough for me to actually eat it."

Buffy turns around and puts her arm around Faith's waist.

"Sorry Dawnie, we're just... a little wrapped up in each other right now."

Faith starts nibbling on Buffy's ear and I look down at my breakfast to prevent dry heaving.

"I noticed."

Faith comes over, laughing and ruffles my hair.

I asked her to stop doing that.

"Oh come on Dawn, I bet you'll be the same way when you fall in love."

She and Buffy sit down next to me at the bar.

"Not if I can help it."

Mom hands Buffy and Faith their own plates before putting her own plate down and we start eating to the tune of more giggling. Mom looks at me and smiles.

"They've been doing that all morning. It's getting kind of obscene isn't it?"

I chuckle.


They look at each other and Buffy rolls her eyes.

"Okay fine... we'll tone it down for those not currently chosen to save the world from unspeakable evil."

I take a bite of bacon.

"If you ask me, what you're doing is unspeakably evil."

Faith punches me in the arm playfully.


Mom turns to the two lovebirds.

"So what's on the agenda for today?"

They smile at each other and I just know I'm not gonna wanna hear this.

"Well we figured we could do some slaying..."

"Followed by some quality groping time."

Oh I knew I didn't wanna hear that.

"Then more slayage, and then a lot more groping."

I shove a bunch of bacon in my mouth and start chewing.

"Maybe some making out in the cemetery."

Mom puts up her hands and backs away.

I think I might join her.

"Okay that's more than I wanted to know?"

"Yeah feel free to leave that out of any future agenda planning... please?"

"Dawn sweetie, don't talk with your mouth... full..."


Faith jumps out of her chair and rushes to Mom's side as she grabs her forehead and almost falls over.

"Joyce, is everything all right?"

Buffy and I stand up panicking.

"Yes I'm, I'm fine. I just... I felt a little light headed for a minute there."

Faith leads Mom over to her chair next to me and Buffy.

"Well sit down, take a load off. Have some bacon."

"I'm fine, really. It was just a dizzy spell that's all."

What if there's something really wrong?

"We should call a doctor."

"No, really I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me, really."

Buffy pushes her own plate next to Faith's.

"Well eat something. Make US feel better."

"All right, all right I will but, I have my own plate I can eat from."

She points to the plate she made for herself. Faith rushes over and grabs the plate and puts it in front of Mom.

"Okay, now that that's settled. I'd appreciate it if one of you would be home before dark. I have a lot of work to do at the gallery and I'd like one of you home to watch over Dawn."

Oh come on.

"I don't need anyone to watch over me."

All three of them turn to me and have the same thought.

"Yes you do."


"Fine, geez you don't have to go postal on me. Just as long as it's not Buffy."

"I'll do it Dawnie, don't worry."

We all look at Faith.

She volunteered?

"Are you sure Faith?"

"Yeah it's okay. The kid and I will eat some cookie dough and watch some prime time soaps or something. How bout it Dawnie?"

"Sure, I guess..."

She hasn't volunteered to spend time with me since that time Angel went nuts at Christmas and Buffy had to go after him.

"Just don't call me kid."

"Right, sorry kid... oops. So B, seeing as how we ain't patrolling together tonight. Maybe we should go see the gang."

"Sure why not?"

"Ya got me."

Mom turns to me.

"You should finish up before you leave for school."

"Sounds like a plan."

We start working on our breakfasts to start our day.

We start working on our breakfasts to start our day

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