Big Secret, Bigger Problem

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Buffy's POV

I moan as I pull my lips from hers to look her in the eyes. She smiles as her hand slides down my side and rests on my hip. I shift on the living room couch and push her hair back behind her ears.

I can't believe she did that.

I lick my lips and smile as I lean in to make out with her some more. Our lips meet and it's like my whole body is set on fire. Our making out deepens almost instantly.

I can't believe she did what she did. It means a lot to me that she did it but doesn't make it easier to accept.

I kinda chuckle at the thought and she pulls away.


"I'm sorry it's just... I'm still, I wanted to thank you."

She kinda looks at me funny.

"For what? Making out with you?"

"No, for what you did, with The Council before."

She smiles and I can't help but wonder why I would ever keep anything from her.

"You already thanked me B. Kinda how we got to the making out isn't it?"

"Yeah, but I'm still grateful. What you did for Dawn was, just amazing. I don't know that I could've done something like that. I act all tough around them but the truth is The Council kinda scares me. I guess you don't have that problem."

Her hand comes up and cradles my cheek.

"Doesn't mean you wouldn't have done the same B, to protect Dawn and keep our family together I believe you'd do anything."

Our family? She said our family.

I get this huge grin on my face.


"You said 'our family'."

She's about to say something to that but I lean forward, putting all my weight on her to pin her down on the couch. I press my body full against hers and kiss her deep. When I finally come up for air she just smiles at me.

"I thought we were gonna try and slow things down a bit, wasn't that the plan? Especially with the whole impending doom thing..."

"We are slowing down sweetie we're just taking our time in doing it."

I kiss her deep, but not quite as deeply as I did a second ago.

"See? Things are slowing down already."

"If you say so B, doom and all..."

My smile all but vanishes at the worry on her face.

"We'll figure it out Faith, we always do. Giles has all the books The Council left with him at the magic box to find whatever it is they missed, because you know they missed something. We'll figure it out and then we'll stop it. We're the Chosen Two. it's our job to stop things like this."

"Yeah but this time is different."


"Well because of..."

Her head turns suddenly to look across the room.



I look in the direction Faith is and Dawn is standing about 10 feet away with an upset look on her face. Seconds later I pull myself off of Faith and we both move to a sitting position, fixing up a bit as we do.

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