Chapter Twenty-One: If They Break Your Heart, I'm Breaking Them

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A/N: Norah's outfits above - the left one she wore in the day, right one she wore in the afternoon :D

Enjoy reading my lovelies! <3



It was now Saturday.

It's as if the author fast forward to Saturday because she got lazy and was excited. 

I sighed, pulling out the outfit I was going to wear for my casual wear. It was a plain black tee, with cutoffs to show off my shoulders. Paired with the t-shirt, I had decided on checkered grey pants that hugged my legs perfectly. For jewellery, I added some necklaces and a few more rings. My love for Vans was too much, so of course, I got out a pair of low cut black Vans. As I was putting my socks on, my door opened and closed quickly and I heard my lock being turned. "Norah, I can't believe you didn't tell me you were going on a date!" 

I looked up to see Cayden, seeing a slight smirk playing on his lips. Eyeing him weirdly, I looked behind him, seeing a plastic bag in his hand. My eyebrows were uncautiously furrowed, as I looked at him curiously. "Are you mad?"

He snorted, pushing himself off the wall. "Nah, your "friends--" he mimicked quotation marks as he said friends, "told me about this. Yesterday, I was checking your closet, and you have no dress."

"You went through my closet?" I asked incredulously, raising an eyebrow. "Why would you do that? And why did the guys tell you about this?"

"First, I went through your closet because I wanted to see if you have a nice dress. Second, they told me because they didn't want you lying to me, or else we'd get into a pointless argument. Although now I know, so that means I'm going to help you," Cayden explained, "I like your friends, they're nice and thoughtful. That's the only reason I'm not being protective of you, they've proved that they can be loyal and I trust them."

I smiled. I'm glad Cayden was able to accept them, because, I like all three of them. I don't know how the other five are going to react, but, I can't help but think negatively. I feel like people are going to see me differently, because aren't I a slut? I like three guys, and I don't know if I want to pick.

Cayden finally passed me the bag that was hiding behind his back. I opened it and pulled the material out. I was dumbfounded as I stared at the beautiful dress. It was a gorgeous dark blue, it has it cut off at the top, so it would expose my shoulders and collar bones. The sleeves were flowy, also having a pretty lace around it. "I decided to go out and buy you a dress, seeing as you had only two. Do you like--?"

I intervened with a tight hug. "Cayden, I love it so much! I needed a new dress, and seeing that I had time, I was going to go out and buy one. Thank you so much, I do love it!" I let him go as he gave a lighthearted chuckle. "You have a good fashion sense."

 He snickered, "The only reason why I bought it was because it looked good to me. At first, I thought it exposed too much skin, but then I saw these cool knee-high socks. Just pull it out, I don't know how to describe them."

I looked down, my lips stretching into a bright smile. I pulled out these black knee-high socks, that had a criss-cross pattern. "I'm sure they'll go with the dress, thanks Cayden, for caring about this." I gulped, hesitantly putting the clothes down. "Cayden, do you think I'm weird for liking three guys?" 

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