Chapter 2 - Neighbors

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Ryuji's POV

"Let's see... you can take a seat over there, by Sakamoto-Kun," Ms. Kawakami tells the black-haired beaut - I mean boy.  The black-haired boy.  He's going to be sitting next to me.  He's going to be effing sitting next to me. 

"Hey," He says with a smirk as he sits in his seat.  The rest of the students have moved as far away from me as possible.  He'll probably be quick to join them. 

I notice Ann watching me for a moment, then she turns her head with a thoughtful look on her face.  Damn it, I hate it when she does that.  Soulmates are supposed to be able to understand each other equally, right?  So then why is she the only one who understands us both in our relationship?  I guess it's probably because I'm broken.

Ms. Kawakami begins our lesson, and we go through our normal class routine.  It's another boring day, except for a few moments where our new kid says something witty to answer a teacher.  He's pretty funny, honestly.  He seems pretty cool... not that it matters one way or another for me. 

Still, at least he manages to break off the mundanity of the day somewhat.  Who knows how long that'll last?

After school, I head straight home, as per usual.  No one wants to see me after school, that's for sure.  Then I notice... across from us, there's a cafe.  Leblanc.  I've never been, not a big fan of bitter things like coffee myself, but my mom says that it's pretty good.  But, walking into the cafe, is the black-haired beaut - shit, why do I keep doing that?  Black-haired boy, walking into the cafe.  What was his name... ah, I wasn't paying much attention when he came in, I was too busy... focusing on other things.

Anyways, I don't usually see kids my age go in there, and something about the way he's talking to the owner seems off.  Before I know it, I head inside, only to find that he's gone. 

"Where did he-"  "Can I help you?" The owner interrupts me, now behind the counter.  "If you're looking for someone, can you do it somewhere or sometime else.  I've got a business to run,"  He says, despite the fact that no one else is here.  The only place he could have gone would be... upstairs.  Damn it.  No way I can get up there without making this guy mad at me. 

"Thanks, but I uh... I'm in the wrong place, I think," I say, and leave.  It doesn't matter anyway.  Not like he wants any business with me in the first place.  They'd probably all rather I just... didn't exist.  Even this new, black-haired beauty.  He's probably gonna want to move his desk as fast as possible, maybe even tomorrow considering how quick the rumors spread. 

I take one last look at the cafe from outside, then I notice, from an upstairs window, a silhouette of a person... it looks like it could be the boy from before.  Huh.  Damn, so he was upstairs.   Why would he be up there?  Guess it doesn't matter. 

I turn away and head home to prepare for another pointless day in my useless existence.  


Akira's POV

That boy... he seems interesting.  Pretty nice looking as well.  Heh, typical that I'd think that of some guy I just met while my "soulmate" is completely incompatible with me.  Damn it, I hate this messed up world.  Why do we have to limit ourselves to the people randomly paired with us?  Why can't we just find our own soulmate?  Make our own fate?  Everywhere's the same.  I'm sick of it.  If I want to go on a date with some blond guy I think is attractive, why should something like my fate stop me? 

I notice him looking this way, but I don't think he can see me watching him with the way the curtains are.  He probably just sees my silhouette, which is fine.  Sojiro might not want people to get the wrong image, but I'm fine with living up here and don't care who knows.  I watch the blond walk into the house across the street.  Heh.  Typical.  Of course, we're neighbors.  You've got me again, fate you big jerk.

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