Chapter 6 - Doorbell

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Ryuji's POV

Shit. Shit. Shit. This is bad. This is really bad. Why would I agree to have him over at my house? I can't handle that. I thought, I'd feel safest if we were home, but I can't be alone with someone. That's the first rule to learn when you're an outcast like me. Never let yourself be alone with anyone. There's no telling... what they could do to you.

At least in school, I can be assured that I won't have to suffer the worst things because a lot of them won't let horrible things happen. When Shiho nearly committed suicide a few years ago, everyone pitched in to help. They just don't want to be picked on themselves, and I understand that.

But now I'm gonna be alone. With him. With some boy I've known for three weeks. Three weeks is definitely long enough for him to realize how things work here. Enough to realize that he should want nothing to do with me. So if he wants to come here, with just the two of us while my mom is out, then... what does he want to do with me? Or to me? Oh god, but I've already given him my address and if I tell him I've changed my mind he'll have even more reason to - that's the doorbell. He's here.

Without really thinking my feet move on their own. This isn't good. Okay, what do I do if things start going south? Let me think... there are windows I guess. But will I be okay to run? My leg feels okay. But if it starts to get screwed up at some point... that's it. I'm screwed. Damnit I shoulda thought this through better. I've been so careful. I go home as soon as possible, I never interact with anyone. I keep as far away as possible so I'm never in much danger. But now I could really be screwed.

The doorbell again. Okay. Let's breathe. We can handle this. Think. It's only been three weeks. He can't hate me that much yet, right? Then, maybe I'm okay. He won't be so ready to hurt me. Not yet.

Doorbell again, that's three times. I can't keep making him wait. That could be a reason for him to want to hate me more. And I definitely don't need more added to my plate. Plus, it's been so long. He does seem genuine.

Fourth doorbell. I can't let him in. But I also can't make him wait anymore. What do I do? How do I fix this?

Fifth doorbell. I finally open the door.

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