Chapter 7 - Trading Music

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Akira's POV

After ringing the doorbell 5 times, he finally answers. I was starting to get really worried.

"H-hey! Sorry I took so long I was uh..." He trails off, probably trying to make up an excuse. He's nervous, I get that.

"It's okay," I say so he doesn't have to make something up. I want this to be as comfortable as possible for him. I want to get his confidence up. At least around me.

"Alright, so do you want to go to your room or something? It doesn't matter to me so long as you're comfortable. It's your house after all," I tell him.

"Uh, okay I kinda wanna stay out here then," He says.

"Alright, cool," I say. No questions asked. I want him to what me back over. I want him to know he can do things around me without needing to answer questions all the time.

"Okay, so I guess we can sit on the couch and start," so we do. Ryuji's house is pretty small, and honestly kinda a mess. But it still has a nice feeling to it. It feels... safe. It's definitely lived in but it feels like a home should. The living room is available as you walk in and it's a simple design, long couch on the left with a television on the right. Nothing fancy. There's a table that goes alongside the couch. It's wooden and has lots of random junk on it. Well, I guess I shouldn't call it junk yet, I don't really know much about Ryuji or what's important to him yet.

So we go about the process of trading songs and find we actually really do have pretty similar music tastes. We keep at it for about an hour or so then decide we should stop for something to eat.

"Sorry man, I don't got much here," He says.

"It's cool, I'm not picky," I notice he flinches as I'm about to speak. He's still worried about disappointing me. I hope that changes soon.

He just makes a simple meal and we continue to talk.

"It's kinda cool that we ended up being neighbors, huh?" I say.

"Yeah, it is. Though it's kinda weird that you're living in a cafe of all places," He says.

"Yeah, I know, but it's the only place Sojiro could put me with what situation's going on at his house," I tell him. "It's fine though. Not too bad of a living situation all things considered. In all honesty, I kinda like it," I can see the question forming in his eyes, but he doesn't ask. "My parents kinda refused to come with me. They didn't feel like moving with me just to get me with some girl. But the law moved in because soulmates must live close together or something, I don't know. And Sojiro just so happened to be the first to volunteer to take me in."

"Wait, your folks refused to come with you? But that's crazy!" He says pretty loudly and angrily. Then he changes his demeanor. "I mean... I just think that it's a little cold for them to let their kid go alone," He says much calmer. It sucks, cause I actually like that side of him. It's like it's his true side. His true self taking the mask off to feel free. If only he could show that side more often. It's really endearing and honest. I honestly kinda love it. This meek personality doesn't fit him.

We finish eating pretty quickly, with such a simple meal. So soon enough we're ready to continue until eventually, we make it through our entire playlists. I find it weird that we managed to make it through this whole thing without his parents coming around. They must work pretty late or something, but I don't think I need to ask Ryuji about that yet. Right now I just need to work on getting his confidence up.

"Alright, I guess we're about done now huh?" I tell him.

"Uh... yeah, I guess so," He says.

"Well, I should probably head out for now, then."

"Uh... okay,"

"I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah, tomorrow."

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