How to Play

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Amy's POV

"What?" Rory looked panicked.

"Face it, Rory had nothing to do with whatever it was you're accusing him of," River rolled her eyes.

"River, we're in the middle of something. Could you maybe come back tomorrow?" I ask.

"Oh, Doctor. That's not how I work. You of all people should know that," she walks seductively towards me. I look over to see what he thinks of all this and see he couldn't be more out of it. Dimwit.

"River, save it for later," I play along. That's something The Doctor would say, right?

"River!" The Doctor exclaims nervously.

"Yes, Amy?" she turns expectantly towards him.

"I'm not...I'm not Amelia. I'm...The Doctor," he cringes. Her jaw drops and she approaches him, looking him up and down.

"Amy? What are you talking about?" Rory asks nervously approaching him.

"Rory, over here," I wave a little.

"What?" he said in confusion.

"Rory, we've body-swapped," The Doctor answered.

"What?" Rory exclaimed, "How?"

"The TARDIS sort of...when I almost died, the TARDIS swapped our minds as a safety feature to protect me," The Doctor cringed. I still couldn't get over how weird it was to see him in my body. Then I suddenly got nervous. He was in my body.

"Doctor," I tapped his shoulder. It was weird saying stuff with his voice.

"Yes, Amy," he turned to me.

"You're in my body."

"Yes. But after a week, everything will be fine, Pond," The Doctor assured me, "Besides, what could go wrong?" he added. River laughed.

"What couldn't go wrong?!" I retorted.

"This is going to be good," River smirked. I hit her on the shoulder and glared.

"I think it's time that River go home," The Doctor showed her to the door.

"Fine, have fun staying locked in the TARDIS for a week. That goes for you too, Rory," she winked and The Doctor blushed, before pushing her out.

"Right, anyone wanna tell me what's going on?" Rory asked.

"We body swapped. What more is there?" The Doctor shrugged. I ran a hand through my hair or rather, his hair.

"Yeah, but like, what know," he blushed.

"I don't know, Rory. You're going to have to just say what's on your mind. In a situation like this, there are no secrets," The Doctor stepped forwards.

"Sleeping arrangements," Rory coughed nervously.

"Oh, Rory!" The Doctor groaned in my voice.

"He has a point, Doctor. He can either choose my body or my mind," I said.

"I can't choose. That would be wrong," Rory cringed.

"Rory, you're not choosing. I refuse to share a bed with you just because I look like Amy!" The Doctor glared.

"Doctor, relax. We'll figure it out, but I think there are bigger issues than who Rory chooses to sleep with," I sigh.

"You're right, Pond," he agreed, "Remember how you said there were no secrets in a situation like this?" he asked. Rory and I nodded, "Well there's no privacy either."

"Wait - how the bloody hell are we supposed to shower?!" I suddenly realized this was going to be longest week of my life.

"Just how we normally would," The Doctor smirked.

"No. No, no, no, no, no! There has to be some boundaries!" I ordered.

"I'm ginger!" The Doctor looked in the mirror, "I'm a Pond!"

"Doctor!" I snapped.

"What?" he turned to face me.

"I refuse to let you shower while you are in my body. It's wrong and embarrassing!"

"Grow up, Pond. It's nothing I haven't seen before," he rolled his eyes.

"What?" I gasped.

"I didn't mean - not you. I meant the female body is -"

"Stop right there!" I cut him off, "Let's establish the rules right now!"

"Okay, no showers," The Doctor stated bluntly.

"Now you're punishing me!" Rory groaned.

"No showers," I agreed.

"Yeah, have fun with that," Rory rolled his eyes.

"Doctor, Rory's right," I sighed, "You think I actually want to see that much of you? It's not gonna be fun for either of us, but we'll have to manage," I shrugged.

"Humans. Always the need to be clean," he muttered.

"Time Lords, always the need to live like savages," I retorted.

"Fine. But what are the rules to showering?" he asked.

"That's my cue to leave," Rory exited quickly.

"Rory!" I yelled after him but he chose to ignore me.

"Anyways, the rules. No experimenting," The Doctor pointed a finger at me. My eyes widened.

"I wasn't planning on it. And that goes for you too, Doctor."

"Don't worry, Pond. Any...requests?" he asked.

"Be careful when shaving my legs and underarms," I suddenly remembered.

"Sure thing," he took out a notepad and began writing it all down.

"Really? A notepad? Anyways, gentle with my hair and ask me for help with makeup and wardrobe," I added.

"Okay. I was thinking more private stuff. Do you shave..." he trailed off and I blushed madly, "I'll take that as a yes," he clicked his pen and started writing and I smacked him on the shoulder, "Okay, maybe not." I smacked his arm again, "Amy I don't know what three hits means!"

"It means leave it!" I glared at him.

"Okay, tell me about your feminine hygiene," he looked up from his notepad to face my glare, "Obviously still a sensitive topic," he muttered and went back to writing.

"Let's talk about you and your...needs," I smirked, knowing I could make him uncomfortable just as easily.

"Hm. This could be fun," he smiled, "I'm much more...low maintenance. Shave my face, ask for help with hair and clothes and just soap and shampoo in the shower," he shrugged.

"That's it?" I asked.

"Pretty much, yeah. Just make sure that when you're using soap you clean -"

"I got it!" I cut him off.

"Under my arms," he laughed.

"I know. I was just -"

"Got it." he rocked back and forth on his feet.

"And watch those hands!" I ordered. As he took his hands off the edge of my jacket and away from my chest.

"You watch yours, Pond," he smirked, leaving the console room. I blushed.

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