Wide Awake

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Amy's POV

"Alright, Amy. I'm gonna go to bed," Rory yawned.

"Sure, have a good sleep," I walked slow circles around the console and brushed my fingers along the edge.

"Goodnight, Amy!" The Doctor called from the doorway of my bedroom.

"Night, Doctor," I called back. Then it was just me, alone in the console room. Why wasn't I tired? I felt wide awake and super energized.

That was when I saw a football sitting under one of the chairs. So I grabbed it and practiced some knee ups and other football stuff with the black and white ball. Then I kicked it a little too hard and it rolled off the edge of the metal floor under the railing and dropped into God-knows-where.

I was so bored I decided to go after it, so I got down and slid under the railing. Now I was sort of hanging there, my hands gripping the steel safety railing so I let go and my feet hit the floor on the lower level. This was where The Doctor sat whenever he repaired the TARDIS. I had never been down here. I scanned the dim area for the football and found it sitting in a small pool of glowing turquoise goo. I cringed and picked up the ball. The goo was rather nasty feeling and smelled of chemicals.

I set the ball up on the metal floor and climbed up beside it. Then I caught my breath and stared at the weird green stuff on the ball. Was this some sort of anti-freezing liquid?

What I had failed to realize was that the goo was extremely slippery and I made the mistake of slipping on it. I fell down and hit my head on the hard floor.

I tried standing up again but slipped on the gel. That was when I got a brilliant idea: skating. I smiled and once I was on my feet took a running start and slid across the smooth surface. This was fun!

After twenty minutes of sliding I decided I should probably clean the mess up. So I grabbed a towel from his bathroom and laid it down on the floor over the smeared goo.

I sat down on the seat by the railing, the football in my lap. Then I saw The Doctor standing on the stairs.

"You got your body back! But why do I still look like you?" I inquired. He continued to stand there, staring straight ahead.

"I was playing around with this football and there was a...mishap. But don't worry, it's all cleaned up," I glanced at the towel, "sort of."

He didn't respond, just continued to stand there.

"Doctor?" I stood up, "hello? Earth to Doctor."

Still he stood there, unresponsive and staring right at me.

That's when a blonde girl entered, looking around.

"Doctor!" she called. She had a London accent and was wearing a purple leather jacket.

"Oh, uh hello. Who are you?" I asked.

"Doctor! Where are you?" she continued to call.

"He's right there," I pointed, "What's your name? I'm Amy."

"Where'd you go? Doctor!" the girl kept searching.

"Doctor," I turned around. Another woman with ginger hair in a business suit was standing there.

"I'm not playing games, spaceman! Where are you?" she seemed annoyed.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Doctor! Come on, you daft alien!" she continued, pacing the room in search of The Doctor who was still standing there, not responding.

"Doctor!" another young woman was standing there. African-American with a crimson jacket.

"Who's this now?" I asked.

"Doctor, what happened?" she walked towards him.

"I don't know, he hasn't been -"

"Where are you?" she continued, not noticing The Doctor standing right there.

"Why won't any of you listen to me? He's standing right there!" I pointed to him.

"Doctor! It's Mickey. Where'd you go to?" a guy entered, also searching for The Doctor.

"Doctor! It's me, where are you?" a handsome American guy entered.

They all continued calling for The Doctor but they didn't seem to notice me, The Doctor or each other for that matter.

"What's going on?" I laughed nervously.

"Oi, this isn't funny!" the ginger woman crossed her arms.

"What's happening right now?" I laughed nervously, "How did you get your body back and how come I didn't get mine back and why can none of you see me?" I asked. They all continued calling for him. So I walked right up to him and hit him on the shoulder but my arm went right through him. I gasped and stumbled back.

"Doctor! Doctor, where are you? Please! Help me," I whimpered.

"Amy," I looked to see myself standing at the top of the stairs. I ran to him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Doctor, you have to tell me what's going on!" I begged.

"What happened?" he murmured in my ear.

"What do you mean? Who are all these - people..." I looked around and realized we were the only two in the room.

"What people?" he asked.

"It must've been an illusion. There were all these people. They kept coming into the TARDIS. They were looking for you and you were standing there, you didn't respond. And they couldn't see you and -"

"Amelia, I'm sorry," he shook his head.

"Why?" I asked.

"What did you see?" he demanded.

"There was a blonde girl first and then a ginger woman and a whole number of different people. One of them was named Mickey," I explained. I saw the sadness in his eyes.

"Do you know them?" I asked.

"I did," he murmured.

"What do mean?"

He sat down and I sat beside him.

"I'm going to tell you some things that you should know."

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