Rory did it!

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Amy's POV

I enter the control room and see The Doctor typing something into the console. Whatever it was, I couldn't care less.

"Hello, Pond!" he looked up, greeting me. Then Rory entered the room, "Hello, other Pond!"

"Doctor," I sighed, "I'm bored. I wanna go somewhere."

"You're like a child," he rolled his eyes.

"I am not!" I scoffed.

"Yes, you are," he didn't even look up from his stupid machine.

"I've been sitting in my room all day so far with nothing to do. There's nothing fun around here."

"Oh, relax, Pond. Have a Jammie Dodger," he passed me the biscuit, but I pushed it away.

"I don't want a Jammie Dodger," I sighed.

"Alright! Where do you want to go?" The Doctor caved.

"Anywhere interesting," I replied.

"Okay," he began starting up the TARDIS. Rory exited the control room and went off to God-knows-where. I gripped onto the steel railings as the whole machine tilted and bumped around. I let go to join The Doctor at the centre console, but before I could get my footing a fire started and we both went sliding towards it. I screamed as The Doctor threw himself between me and the fire and shielded my head. Suddenly the TARDIS stopped and we hurried away from the fire moments before it could touch The Doctor. That was when I must've blacked out.

I awoke moments later and blinked as my blurred vision cleared. I felt strong, and I didn't know why. I looked around for The Doctor but gasped when I saw perhaps the most shocking thing I'd ever seen: myself. I saw myself laying on the floor, stretching my arms and looking confusedly at me.

"Doctor!" I yelled and then gasped at my sudden change in voice.

"Amy? Is that you?" I heard the other version of myself ask.

"Yes, it's me," I recognized my own voice as The Doctor's.

"You're me..." she trailed off.

"Who are you?" I ask cautiously.

"The Doctor."

I heaved a sigh of relief and ran over to hug him.

"We're in each others' bodies," he realized.

"What?" I looked down at my clothes, or rather his clothes and realized it was true. We stood there, just staring at each other. That was when the TARDIS doors opened revealing someone who couldn't have dropped by at a worse time.

"River," he muttered.

"Alright, what's going on? It appears as though the TARDIS has crashed. Which one of you bloody geniuses is responsible for this?" she demanded. Then Rory entered the room.

"Rory did it!" The Doctor and I exclaimed.

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