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we wait for Colby come downstairs for his midnight snack, we wait and until, until we all hear him bolt downstairs and runs outside, we follow him but he gets into his car and locks the doors before we caught up with him, he starts backing up, so I go inside and get the rest of the roommates car keys and I head back outside, Elton and Corey hop into their cars while me, Aaron and Jake hop into Jake's car and start following him, Colby is an amazing driver and he knows his way around town so we ended up losing him at a stop light,

"Well...does anyone know or think where Colby would be going?" Aaron asks and I think for a good second when I blurted out "Suicide bridge" we drive to Suicide bridge and sure enough, Colby car is there, I call up Elton and Corey:

"Elton, Meet us at Suicide bridge, he here but make sure you block him in"

"okay" then I call up Corey,

"Corey,  Meet us at Suicide bridge, he here but make sure you block him in"

"Yep" I kinda expect him to hop the fence and go under the bridge so I tell Jake to park under the bridge, he does what I am told.

It's been about an hour since I called up the dude, *ding* I get a text from Elton and Corey

E-Elton C-Corey  S-Sam

E: we blocked him in but he hopped the fence

S: we're down here already so just walk to Jake's car 

E: okay cya 

C: okay meet ya there

10 minutes later I see the boys and I tell Jake to unlock the car, we sit there for a good 5 minutes, then I see a figure,

"That's Colby, flash your lights" I say to jake and he does what he is told, and sure enough, its Colby, he doesn't move and we all step out of the car, I notice something in his hand, its a Box of box cutters

"Put the box down" i say

"And why should i do that?"

"Because we care for you... i care for you" he laughed when i said that

"You care for me? Then why yell at me and tell me i dont matter? becayse my problems arent getting any better"

"Look, im sorry for saying that okay?"

"If you were truly sorry, then why dont you stop me Cutting your name in to my arm right now" we didnt even notice he opened the box cutters and he cut everyone name into his arms, we all go after him and he justs let us, he doesnt move, by the time we get to him he has already passed out.
we all look at his arm and sure enough all of our names are in his arm, i check his pockets, one has the box of box cutters while the other has this photo:

that set off an alarm, i quickly lift up his other sleeve to reveal the cuts and scars from his picture, "CALL AND AMBULANCE" I scream crying, im not gonna lose him.

Paramedics arrive 10 minutes later and im so traumatized that i make Aaron go in the amulance

"Meet ya there Aaron" Jake says, i get into the passenger seat and we head to the hospital, when we get there, Aaron is sitting in the waiting room, we sit there and i eventually fall asleep.

"Mr.Golbach?" im awoken by a women in her 20's


"I have some news about Colby Brock..."

Cuts...//Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now