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I woke with a jumpstart due to the sound of my phone ringing, I check the ID, It was my mother, I accepted the call

M-Mother S-Sam

M-"Is everything okay?"

S-"Define okay"

M-"Is anyone hurt?"




M-"Oh my god what happened"

S-"Let's just say it happened with rope and blades"



M-"He needs a psychiatric hospital

S-"Mom N-"

M-"No buts Samuel, Colby needs help and you're refusing it for him, I'm going to give Elton a call to take him to one"

S-"Then you might as well put me in there also"

M-"Samuel John Golbach, you do not need help do therefore you are not tagging along with him"

S-"You know I don't trust Colby being alone"

M-"Then why'd you leave him alone when you were with Katrina, why didn't you let him tag along?"

S-"Mom, I'm done with your bullshit, Goodbye"


Call ended, time- 5:08

 I didn't let her finish yelling my name, I was so sick of everyone telling me that Colby needs help, yes he may but what he really needs is his friends and family, not this fucking stress, I get off the bed that the nurse put me on last night, I walk to the bathroom and close the door, I look at myself in the mirror, how could I  have not noticed? how could his own fucking best friend not notice that Colby needed him? how could I not notice his change of clothing? always wearing short-sleeved shirts and shorts, or tank tops, but now long-sleeved shirts, long jeans or sweats and especially the amount of time he spent in hoodies over the summer break, I was  getting so mad at myself that I punched the mirror, it cracked and my knuckles began bleeding but I didn't care, all I was worried about was Colby, I walk out of the bathroom and out of the hospital, I grab out my phone and call a Uber, as I'm waiting for the Uber i notice Pika, that one nurse, I wave to her as I shout her name

"PIKA" Pika then walks into my direction, when Pika gets to me, she already began greeting me

"Hellllloooooo Sam!" Pika said in a cheerful voice, she was obviously excited to see him

"So what are you doing here?" Pika questioned me, so I told her the whole story from me opening Colby's door, to me breaking the mirror,

"I'm sorry about the mirror, I just got so angry"

"It's okay Sam, many patients get furious at themselves, we deal with a lot of broken mirrors, but now I'm worried about Colby and your hand, can I take a look at it?" I nodded and lifted up my hand, she carefully observed the damage,

"Hmm, not as serious as many but you need to bandage that, but I notice that you Uber is here so just wash it when you get home and bandage it also" I turn around to see my Uber pull up to me,

"Thanks Pika, i'll see you later?" i questioned

"Probably" she laughed, her little laugh was so cute, we both waved goodbye to each other as i hopped into the Uber, i told the Uber to take me to Katrina's adress.

We pull up to Katrina's address, I pay for the Uber and hop out, I get to her front step and knock, she opened the door, obviously not expecting me

"Sam!" she shouted as she pulled me into a tight hug, maybe a little too tight,

"Katrina, you're hugging me too tight"

"Oh sorry Sam" she loosened her grip but the hug didn't end for another 2 minutes, after the hug was over, she invited me in, we both took a seat on the couch and Katrina began the conversation,

"So Sam, what brought you here?"

"Katrina... We need to break up"

Cuts...//Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now